Chapter 48

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Last week Nattie beat Layla, and tonight Tamina is facing Alicia.
"You excited for tonight babe?" Dean asked.
"Yeah! you know who's fighting?" I asked excitedly.
"Alicia and Tamina." I replied.
"That should be a good match." He said
"Yes it should," I smiled.
"But it doesn't matter, because you'll win it all anyways." He joked.
"You're so annoying." I laughed.
"Why do you always like to hurt my feelings? I was only complimenting you." He asked.
"I don't know Bean," I smiled thinking of his new nickname.
"Don't call me that. Or else I'll give you dirty deeds." He threatened.
"I'm terrified," I said sarcastically.
He rolled his eyes and laughed at me.
"So do you have a match tonight?" I asked.
"Yes, but I'm not sure who it's against." He said.
"I can find out for you right now." I said.
A while ago, I had something set up, so that I got emailed the schedule to every raw and Smackdown, and I just remembered today!
I opened up my phone and went to the email app.
"Oh shit," I laughed, "you're facing Randy."
"Good." He said, "I can kick some scumbag ass."
I shook my head and said, "What am I going to do with you?"
"You could come to catering with me." He suggested.
"Sure." I smiled.
Tamina and Alicia's match was next.
We walked there together, and I saw Brie and Nikki at a table.
"Let's go sit over there!" I exclaimed, pointing to Brie and Nikki.
He groaned, but I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the table.
"Hey girls!" I exclaimed.
"Hey Ms. Diva's champion!" Brie exclaimed.
"Or should I say Mrs. Ambrose." Nikki snickered, referring to our intertwined hands.
"How about no," I suggested.
"I'm gonna go get some food. You want anything babe?" He asked, desperately trying to leave.
"Some chips and salsa please." I smiled.
He nodded and walked away.
I sat down next to Nikki and as soon as my butt hit the chair she said, "A little birdie told me you two were together officially."
"Who?" I asked.
"I don't reveal my sources." Nikki said.
"It was Seth." Brie laughed.
"The bastard."
"So is it true?" Nikki asked.
"Yes." I replied with a smile on my face.
"Ha! Brie pay up!" Nikki exclaimed.
"You guys made a bet?" I asked in shock.
"You could say that." Brie trailed off.
"For how much?" I asked.
"50." Brie said, as she counted the money that she had to give Nikki.
"You guys are literally insane." I laughed.
"Why are they insane?" Dean asked as he set my plate in front of me.
"Thank you," I started, "And they're insane because they made a bet about us."
"They did?" He asked in between bites.
"Yup!" Nikki smiled.
"Who won?" He asked.
"Nikki did." I laughed.
"Alright!" He exclaimed holding his hand out for a high five.
"How much did you bet?" He asked.
"50 dollars." They said at the same time.
"Well you should've had faith in me Brie." He joked, causing all of us to laugh.
But my laughing was cut short when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey Ella. You ready to go to my match?" He asked.
"Yeah." I smiled.
"I'll come with." Dean said, causing Randy to roll his eyes.
"Is there a problem?" Dean asked.
"No not at all." Randy said.
"Good." He paused. "Considering the fact that your match is against me."
"I'll kick your ass." Randy said under his breath.
"Hey do any of you know who won in the match with Tamina and Alicia?" I asked trying to clear the air.
"I think it's still going on." Randy said.
"Alright, how about we all go watch it on the tv by the gorilla." I suggested.
"That sounds like a great idea!" Brie said from the other side of the table.
Thank you Brie.
"Alright let's go." I said.
The guys followed behind me, and soon we made it to the gorilla without any more conflict.
I looked on the tv and saw Alicia taunting Tamina.
She went for a kick, but Tamina caught her foot.
But she set it down softly.
Then she super kicked Alicia!
"Holy shit." I mumbled.
She covered her and got the win.
Tamina walked backstage first and I sent her smile, "Great job Tamina!"
"Thanks Champ." She smiled.
Alicia walked out a minute later with a sad look on her face.
"You did great." I told her, even though I didn't watch the match, but it went on for a while so I'm sure she got some offense in.
"Yeah, but I lost." She sighed.
"It happens to everyone, and you'll get other shots. I promise." I smiled.
"Okay Ella." She said.
I gave her a hug and said, "See you later okay?"
She nodded her head and walked away.
While that was happening, I didn't even see Dean walk out, but right when she left, Randy's music played.
"Let's do this." He smiled.
We walked down the ramp together. He had a smirk on his face and I had a big smile on mine. I waved to the fans and had my championship perched on my shoulder.
When the camera was focused on Randy, Dean sent me a wink.
I blew him a kiss, but it looked like it was directed at the fans.
Randy slid in the ring, ready to kill. I decided to stay at ringside, opposite Seth and Roman, rather than going on commentary.
The bell rang and they locked up.
Seth and Roman were "glaring" and me the whole time.
There was a little back and forth, until Randy pushed Dean and Dean did his little rope slingshot thing, then clotheslined Randy. After that, Dean gained control.
He was throwing punches at Randy all around the ring
I saw Randy hit Dean with a sick clothesline. And he covered him, but Seth and Roman pulled the ref out of the ring.
I stood up on the ring and yelled, "You can't do that!"
But as soon as I turned around to get down, I was hit with something-or someone.
And I flew off the ring and hit the ground pretty hard.
My face hit the ground and I landed awkwardly and was in a lot of pain.
Don't think anything was broken (or rebroken)-Thank God- but it still hurt... A lot.
But soon I felt hands on my legs and back lift me up.
I assumed it was Randy, but then I recognized that smell.
It was Dean.
I heard the crowd cheering loudly at what just occurred.
I soon felt the curtain brush my arm and I knew we were backstage.
"Dean." I mumbled.
"Are you okay princess?" He asked, "I'm so sorry."
"I'm good." I groaned, "but my nose hurts."
"It's even more fucked up." He laughed.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked.
"Trainers room."
"I hate it there," I whined.
"You'll be okay." He laughed as he kissed my forehead.

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