Chapter 6

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I looked in the mirror, pleased with my reflection.
Fixing a stray piece of my hair, my mom looked in the mirror with me, "You look beautiful, honey." 
"Thank you, mom," I replied with a smile on my face.
Why is she being so nice? Yes she compliments me and we usually get along great, but taking me out to dinner and having a girls day is a bit much for us.
"Let's go downstairs." She told me.
We walked to the elevator and met up with my dad down in the lobby..
"Hi dad!" I mumbled as he pulled me in for a hug.
"Hi sweetie. You look beautiful." He gushed.
I thanked him and smiled at the sight of my parents outside the ring, "Let's go guys."
We walked to the car and drove to the restaurant.
The car ride pretty much consisted of mom and dad listening to the music they wanted and me laughing as they tried singing along.
"California Pizza Kitchen!" I exclaimed, as my everpresent smile only grew.
"We wanted to come to your favorite restaurant." Mom told me.
I laughed as we walked in. Very classy stuff.
We sat at the table closest to the window like we usually do, and we talked about anything and everything we could possibly think of. It was really nice to finally have some time with my parents.
"I remember when you came to your first Raw and you were like, 'Why is daddy beating up grandpa?' It was too cute." Mom recalled.
I added, "Yeah. Remember when Randy was the chaperone to my first date and they aired it on the tv? Dad got pissed." 
We talked about more memories from when I was younger. I was on WWE a lot before I ever even started wrestling, but when I did begin to wrestle, I appeared on screen less and less (until now obviously).
"Guys. It's not that I'm not having fun, because I'm having a great time, but why are we having this family dinner?" I asked them out of the blue. Things seemed to be going a little too well, but alas I could've just been projecting my own uneasiness onto my seemingly perfect family.
"We just haven't had one in a while, that's all." Mom said a little too quickly.

"That makes sense," I said, "But the girls day too?"

"You know, El. We just- uh. I just wanted a day with you," she stuttered.
I averted my gaze to my dad, who barely muttered an, "Uh." 

For two of the most eloquent people I know, they were having a lot of trouble articulating their thoughts.
"Guys. I'm not going to get mad. It's not like you killed anyone. Unless you did." I joked.
Mom let out a nervous laugh and played with her hair. It's something she did when she was nervous or felt uncomfortable.
"Mom. Are you okay?" I asked her in a concerned tone, but she ignored my question.
"Dad. Mom."
"Honey. Your father and I are getting a divorce." Mom said.
"What?" I spat.
"Sweetie." She started, but I immediately cut her off. 
"You're joking right?"
"We're serious." My dad said looking down.
"Why?" I asked them.
"We fell out of love." My mom said as a tear fell out of her eye.
"Bull shit." I told her, "you guys love each other so much. Just tell me why. Please."
My voice cracked at the end.
"You want to know why?" My dad asked angrily.
"Hunter no." My mom but in with pleading eyes.
"Please tell me. I need to know." I told them. 

"We didn't want you to find out like this," she spoke slowly, then turning to my dad, "We can't just spring this on her like this."

"Don't talk about me like I'm not sitting right in front of you."

"Ella, please. Now is not the right time for you to find out," my mom desperately pleaded.

I bitterly scoffed, "Growing up, you guys preached about the importance of honesty and trust. So the fact that you're acting like this right now is appalling."
My dad shook his head and looked up at me, "You're right. Where do I start?" 
"Anywhere," I responded, eager to know what could possibly tear apart my parents' marriage.
"Your mom and I were twenty two years old when we found out," he took a deep breath, "she was pregnant.I was ecstatic. She was too. She ended up giving birth to a beautiful baby girl. Exactly twenty-three years later on your birthday, we got a phone call on the house phone from a lab claiming they had results from a paternity test,"
He looked at me and took a shaky breath. I could tell he was hurting with every word he was saying, "So I asked her about it. She said it was nothing. But it was eating at me for weeks, so eventually, I demanded an answer. That's when she told me. She told me that, I'm not your real father. Your real dad is-" I cut him off.
"Please stop talking. This isn't true. You're my dad." I told him.
They both stayed silent.
"Is this true?" I asked quietly.
"I asked if it was true!" This time I raised my voice, not even caring about the fact that we were still in a restaurant.
They both hesitantly shook their heads.
"I think this dinner is over," I told them as I walked away from the table. I walked all the way back to the hotel and rode the elevator up to my room.
"9:15," I mumbled to myself
I walked up to my room, a defeated woman.
I screamed into my pillow and began reaking havoc on my hotel room. I carelessly flung my clothes all around. I messed up the sheets on the bed. I even went as far as knocking over a lamp
Eventually, I tired myself out causing me to lay down on my mess of a bed and cry.
Just as I shut my eyes, there were three loud knocks on my door- that I ignored.
The person knocked harder.
I wiped my cheeks and walked to the door.
"Dean," I whispered after opening the door a little.
"Hey El," He said.
"I can't go out with you tonight. Sorry." I told him as I attempted to shut the door, but he stopped it with his foot and asked me, "Ella. Are you okay?" 
I shook my head yes, "I'm fine."

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