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Stuffing the gun inside his pockets, Dom pulled on the black jacket. It had a sign of 'fire' embossed at its back. Rolling on the sleeves, he tidied his room keeping everything at its place. Leaving no trace, he left the room taking the essentials. With long strides, he exited his house.

Taking the spaceship from the station, he inquired the official about it's condition. They stated that it was the new one and is used in the military more often. It worked more efficiently than the other ones. Bidding adieu to the people, he sat inside the black ravishing beauty.

It was the time of Sunrise, the sky glowed magnificently with the pinkish tinge. The moon had started walking back to its home. Dimly lit atmosphere boosted up his mood positively. Setting the machine to auto - pilot mode; he enjoyed the scenery, reclining on his chair.


My mind could not decipher the cause of attack on this planet. Never in my entire life, I heard anything wrong about this. 'Why the King is behind this planet?' This question aroused curiousness and uneasy feeling settled in my heart.

As I saw the blue planet coming into sight, I turned the spaceship towards it. In some seconds, I reached the planet full of life. There were various resources lying in it, some underutilized while others overexploited. I decreased the speed to observe keenly the surrounding. From above the sky, I could see there was water in some areas, while ice on other. Some places were arid with mountains of sand, on the other hand; there was excessive greenery at particular places.

The uneven distribution was important, it contrasted with the environment. Overall, the combination looked amazing. How can a planet with so many resources could be underestimated? How can the natives become greedy and devilish. If undeserving people are blessed with many resources; they consider these blessing as their Birthright. My mind retorted back to my questions.

The other spaceships could not be seen, maybe they had landed somewhere else. Inhaling a deep breath, I landed safely on Earth. It was a thick forest, very less sunlight penetrated from it.

But there were noises of disruption coming from some faraway place. I looked at the forest, it was familiar. I had seen it somewhere, thinking hard my mind flashed one thing.

It was the same forest that was near Bell's house. I took the arms and walked ahead, recalling the way. Smoke choked me up, smell of burnt meat and blood was mixed in the air. Coughing loudly, I sped up; my eyes couldn't register the scene in front of me. Soldiers of Noir were encircling Bell's house and we're going to burn it down.

They had bombs in their hands and guns in other. Four men were trying to defend the house as much as they can. They were fighting bravely, killing some of the enemies. Recognizing Dom; coming on their way, Alexandre ran to him. Relief washed over Alexandre's face, as he saw him. He hugged Dom tightly and blurted out. "People of Noir had attacked the whole town, killing every single person. They raided our house in the morning. Thank God you reached on time. And how did you came, you said you were busy?" Alexandre's eye had fear in them, he looked at me expectantly.

This surprised me because we had fought many battles together, he never feared. And now, his eyes were scary; in just a small fight. It amazed me, but hiding it; I explained him he whole situation. "The King had ordered to attack on Earth. Derek came here early while I reached just now. When I saw the soldiers firing at our house, I was shocked and infuriated. Because they told me that people here are causing violence. But watching the present condition, I understood that they are oppressing weak people. I will not leave them, you just see."

My words also didn't lessened his fear, I couldn't digest it and asked him directly. "What's the matter, Alexandre? Why are you looking scared? Is there something you are hiding from me?" I bombarded him with questions.

Universal Secret : PART 1 [HIDDEN TRUTH] {COMPLETED}  ✔Where stories live. Discover now