In the Beginning

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Y/n's pov

Ugh, it's too early for this was my first thought as my alarm went off.

It was currently seven in the morning, and I just have to say, my body isn't used to waking up that early again. However, today was the day I was leaving to Spain with my family.

I'm hungry and I want to sleep. These were my second thoughts as I got out of bed.

I quickly got changed into some comfortable clothes, as it was not a very short flight from Utah to Spain.

I then found myself walking downstairs from my room to see my mom packing, along with my brother, Dylan or DJ, sitting on the couch on his phone, like always. Then there was my dad, packing his backpack.

"Vacation time," I said unenthusiastically, collapsing onto the couch.

I went to grab my phone, then realizing it wasn't there, so I quickly got up and ran back to my room, grabbing my phone, and bag, which I only then realized I left up there.

I looked around my room, proud of the fact that I actually cleaned it the day before, then opened Wattpad on my phone.

I opened up a Tom Holland story, smiling to myself. I would never admit it, but ever since Captain America: Civil War came out (only a month ago) I had seen the movie multiple times, just to see Tom.

It didn't help that these Wattpad stories made me fall harder for him, but what can I do now, it's a little too late to start hating him.

I walked back down, and to the kitchen, to hopefully get something to eat.

"Y/n, the food is for the airport," my mom said, putting an arm out, stopping me from grabbing anything. "be patient, and wait till we get there."

"But mom, the airport is an hour away," I sighed. "Can't I just have a little something?"

"No," she said firmly. "Go and bug Dylan, he's been on his phone for an hour now."

I sighed and turned to bug my little brother

*time skip brought to you bc why not*

We were at the JFK airport, in Queens, New York.

Queens, New York.

Something quickly dawned on me, I quickly pulled out my phone, texting my best friend David French. Since he was the only person I could think that would tolerate me talking about Tom Holland.


David... I'm in Queens

Yeah, I know you told me you'd be there yesterday.

But like you know who lives here?

Peter Parker
Yeah, I know, you never shut up about him

I rolled my eyes, David wasn't wrong, but I didn't want him to be right.

Ikik but what if I meet him or Tom Holland?

Then you have to court him and make him fall in love with you
Or else you've failed

"Y/n you better hurry, we're leaving," Dylan said, "Are you texting David?"

"Of course," I said, "Just give me one second."

I have to get on my plane, so bye

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