Cause You're My Favorite Subject

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Tom's pov

"I don't know what we're going to do," Y/n said as we sat on the shuttle that would take us back to the boat. "It would be difficult for me to come and see you."

"You'll be in college, right?" I asked, getting a small nod from her. "I'll just come and see you."

Y/n sighed, thinking.

"I know you would, but I don't want to waste your time or make you feel like you have to come to see me," she said.

I grabbed her hands softly, a reassuring smile on my face.

"Y/n," I said, causing her to look up at me, "I don't care, I love you. I'll do anything to see your beautiful face."

"You guys are so cute," Kylee sighed, looking at us.

"Thanks, Ky," Y/n said. "But we're not focusing on that right now."

"Yeah, yeah," she said, "sorry I can't relate, unlike you I don't have a boyfriend who lives in London."

"Yeah," Ivy said, trying to stifle a laugh. "It's because you don't have a boyfriend- period."

Kylee turned to Ivy glaring at her.

"Yeah, and you do have a boyfriend?" she asked, sending a glance to Dylan, who went pink.

Ivy opened her mouth to say something, but to Kylee and Y/n's dismay, the shuttle stopped.

"Well folks," Dylan said, clapping his hands together, looking relieved, "looks like it's time to get back onto the boat."

"Well folks," Y/n said, mocking Dylan as we waited in line to get checked. "Looks like Dylan found the love of his life."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Dylan said, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

Y/n "tsk-tsked" him, shaking her head.

Dylan shook his head as well, looking as though he was thinking about something.

"Aren't you two supposed to figure out how to see each other after tomorrow or something?" he asked.

A grim expression fell on Y/n's face, as she nodded slowly.

"I guess I still have to figure that out."

I nodded in agreement, thinking of things we could do as we made our way to the rooms.

We were so close to getting to our room (like three steps away) when Y/n tripped.

"Oof!" she yelped.

I quickly put an arm around her, stopping her from falling.

"Are you okay, Love?" I asked, helping her steady herself.

"Erm- yeah," she said awkwardly, opening the door.

We walked in, both thinking about what had just occurred. I went to close the door when a voice spoke.

"Did you two kiss?"

I opened the door to see Kylee, grinning, while David opened the door to their room.

"We didn't," I replied.

"Huh?" Y/n said, walking out. "What about kissing?" she asked.

Kylee laughed a bit as if she thought Y/n was acting dumb.

"Did you, Y/n L/n, kiss, Tom Holland?" Kylee asked.

"I- what?" Y/n said, raising an eyebrow. "How did you get that?"

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