Kalm- Panik 『10』

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Tom's pov

I just beat Y/n in skeeball, I felt really good about it. Another plus was that she seemed fine with it- or was she? I wasn't sure, but I needed confirmation that she was fine with losing.

"No hard feelings?" I asked her, with a small smile. Just so I wouldn't seem as though I was concerned.

A+ acting from Tom Holland.

"Of course not," she beamed, giving me the biggest hug.

Her hugs were the best. I didn't know that was something someone could be good at, but here is Y/n L/n, she gives the best hugs.

After that, we sat and talked, not getting serious. You can't have a serious conversation with the five of them, someone ends up laughing or making a sly joke. It's not a bad thing, I rather enjoy not having awkward conversations.

"Let's go sleep," Dylan yawned. "I'm exhausted, and guess who's fault that is?" he asked, looking at Ivy.

I was tired as well, but for the two days I've known Y/n and Kylee, there was no chance I would be sleeping anytime soon.

"Sure, let's go," Kylee said, standing up. "Tomorrow is the first port day."

The only thing I knew about Gibraltar is that they had monkeys, it was a part of the UK, and they had a giant airport.

We dropped Ivy and Dylan off at their rooms.

"Goodnight you two," Y/n said, hugging Dylan, while Kylee hugged Ivy.

"Goodnight Y/n," Dylan said. "Don't get into too much trouble..."

A mischievous grin formed on his face as he looked between Y/n and I, What was he thinking we were going to do? What was going through his mind?

"Don't be weird, Dylan," Ivy frowned.

I almost laughed, but stayed silent, looking at David, who looked as though he was in the same dilemma as me.

"Okay, goodnight you two," he said, patting their heads (did I mention David was very tall?). "You two don't get into trouble."

"Let them be," Kylee sighed. "You've known both of them for a long time, what's the worst they can do?"

"Sink the ship," Y/n said.

"Steal ice cream," Ivy said under her breath, loud enough so that only Dylan and I could hear.

"Kiss," Dylan shrugged, then quickly opening the door to his room, as Y/n opened her mouth to protest he said, "Let's just pretend I said goodbye in a fancy language."

With that, he closed the door, leaving Ivy and Y/n confused.

"You better get to bed soon as well," David said, pushing Ivy slightly towards the door of her room.

"Thanks, David," Ivy said sarcastically, opening her door. "Have fun, dorks."

We let them go, going up to watch the vast ocean, as though we weren't going to see it for the next week.

I looked out onto the ocean, of course, it was stunning, but not as stunning as Y/n, but it was up there.

So, I nonchalantly put my arm around Y/n, who seemed to not mind, even putting her head on my shoulder.

"You really know how to make a girl happy," Y/n whispered.

"It's one of my many talents, Darling," I smirked.

"Eww, you guys are being too cute," David said, pretending to gag.

"Don't mind him," Kylee said, rolling her eyes. "He's just jealous because he doesn't have a girlfriend."

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