You Big Turd Blossom

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David's pov

"I'm just going to go grab something," I told Kylee.

We were currently sitting on the deck, eating. I felt someone's gaze on me, so I wanted to go check it out.

Kylee furrowed her eyebrows but nodded. I stood up, walking past the lady in question, as though I didn't see her, but when I was right there, I stopped, making eye contact with her.

"Excuse me, could you care to not stare at my friends and me?" I said, cutting to the chase.

"Do you not know your little friend is Tom Holland?" the lady asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Last time I checked, Kylee is not Tom Holland," I reply, trying my hardest not to start laughing.

"Not her," the lady said, sounding a little ticked off. "The boy who looks and is Tom Holland."

"Oh, you mean, Tanner," I nodded. "Yeah, he's not Tom Holland. He's far from it."

"Hey, David," Tom said, walking over.

"Hey, Tanner," I said.

He immediately caught on.

"Excuse me, are you not Tom Holland?" The lady asked.

"Nope," Tom said. "My name is Tanner, why do you want to know?"

"Sorry, you just look and sound like him," she said, then raising an eyebrow. "Why is that?"

"I'm related to him," Tom said slowly. "I'm from London."

"Okay," I said, grabbing Tom by the shoulders. "Have fun, bye."

Y/n and Kylee both had their arms folded when we walked back.

"That sounded like an interesting conversation," Y/n said.

"Yeah, who was that?" Kylee asked.

"She was staring at us, because she thought she saw Tom Holland," I shrugged. "So, I decided to talk to her about it."

"Oh- she was staring at us earlier," Y/n said.

"This already happened?" Kylee asked.

"We caught her staring at us on the first day-" Y/n said.

"-But we didn't do anything," Tom finished.

"Well, we should go," I said.

Y/n's pov

"No," I groaned. It was Jared as he was always here.

"Oh look," he said, "it's the 'Sinister Six' you guys here to lose?"

"Chill out," a voice said out of nowhere. I look over, of course, it was Dylan, "you don't need to bother my sister- trust me."

Ivy burst out laughing as she turned and whispered something into Dylan's ear, still laughing. Dylan furrowed his eyebrows but quickly started laughing as well.

"Ivy, are you, okay?" Kylee asked cautiously.

Ivy and Dylan shook their heads, still laughing.

"I- I thought of s-something weird," Ivy said as she clutched her stomach.

"You wanna tell us what it is?" I asked, a small smile on my face.

"I don't think you'd like it, Y/n," Dylan laughed.

A smirk on my face.

"Try me, Little Zhang," I said.

Ivy stopped laughing, a small giggle coming out of her mouth as she walked over to where I was.

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