How Good Could I Be?

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Y/n's pov

I was frozen in place, luckily Tom was there.

"Y/n, I think it won't attack you if we keep going," he said.

I gave a small nod and kept walking, thank Stan Lee the monkey didn't care and so we were on our way.

We walked over to an area, where people were panicking slightly since one of the monkeys unzipped someone's backpack. Needless to say, Tom immediately wore the backpack in front of him.

"Look at how cute that is," I exclaimed, dragging Tom over to a baby monkey. "I can't handle it."

"Tom," Dylan said, putting a hand on Tom's shoulder, "I'm sorry to say this, but you chose Y/n, not me, so you get to deal with her obsessions."

"It's fine," Tom said. "I just didn't expect her to be this invested."

"Thanks, you two," I said sarcastically.

Once I finished looking at the monkeys, we walked for about another half a mile until we made it to a sky bridge. We learned it was the same one used in Star Wars, but it was currently closed, which was a shame.

While looking around the other open area around the bridge, there were at least half a dozen monkeys around, jumping around, acting wild, probably on drugs.

But I didn't notice (which was a stupid decision), so I got a picture, that's when it happened.

A monkey jumped on me.

See, I was just talking to my mom, as Tom was talking to Dylan, but then a monkey decided that it might jump on my head- it was not nice.

"I got jumped by a monkey-" I said, looking at Tom in distress.

"Did you get a picture?" my dad asked.

"Dad!" I exclaimed. "A monkey just jumped on me, but that's what you decide to ask?"

"It would make a nice memory if you had a picture," my dad shrugged.

I sighed, he did have a point, but that's when Tom walked over.

"How are you doing, Darling?" he asked.

"A monkey just jumped on me," I replied dryly. "How do you think I'm doing?"

"Erm right," Tom said awkwardly.

After we finished looking around the mountain, we made our way to the town square, passing some flowers on the way by, meaning I had to take some pictures of them.

"Y/n, could you get a picture of me?" Tom asked awkwardly.

"Can I?" I asked, a smile finding its away onto my face. "I would love to- but you have to get some pictures of me after."

"It's a deal," Tom grinned.

"Y/n?" Tom asked as we walked back to the ship.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Have you ever been to London?" he asked.

"I haven't," I shrugged. "I've been all over Europe, but never London."

A smile formed on his face. "Well, now you have a reason to come."

"Oh, really?" I teased.

"Really," he replied. "I just so happen to know someone who lives in London."

"Tom Hiddleston?" I asked. "Because I've always wanted to meet him."

"Yeah, but if Tom bores you," he said, "then you have me."

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