Now, I'm Starving

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Y/n's pov

"Can I have your autograph?" Someone asked me. "On my forehead."

I hesitated but signed their forehead, which I thought was incredibly weird, but you need to try new things every day?

We were standing in the room just outside of the theater, there were dozens of people talking to David, I, and the other contestants who did well.

Tom was standing right behind me, but since there were people coming up to me every second, I couldn't talk to him.

I stood there, smiling, taking pictures (Tom would take them), for about half an hour.

"You did amazing," said someone in a mocking tone.

I sighed, it was finally dying down, I didn't want someone coming up to me just to criticize me, even though I was welcome to it. I just wanted to stop smiling.

"Thank you!" I said, smiling, to see it was Olivia who said it.

"You did amazingly horrible," she replied in a snarky tone.

"Thanks, appreciate the criticism," I said, smiling even bigger.

"You know what I really thought of your performance," Olivia said, glaring at me, not noticing that Tom was somewhere behind me, wandering off a little, but he could still hear what was happening. "I think you are just a bratty theater kid that gets whatever she wants. Your tap thing- it wasn't even that good, and your song choice, it sucked.

"You are just a little goody two shoes that everyone likes, and always wins, I bet you somehow know all the judges with all of your stupid goody two shoes knowledge," she said. I kept smiling, knowing it was ticking her off, but also I knew people were watching us. "Stop smiling, you look like an idiot."

"Hey, Y/n," said Chris Evans, showing up out of who knows where (someone probably swore (if you did it please confess now)), "I wanted to congratulate you, and welcome you to my team."

"I can't wait to work with you," I grinned, shaking his hand.

Chris then walked over to Tom, causing Olivia to glare at me again.

"You didn't tell me Tanner was here," she said angrily.

I gave her an innocent smile. "Oh, I didn't know I was supposed to do that."

"I can't with you right now," she said.

"You guys need to calm down," Chris said, walking over to us.

Chris seemed very calm, while Tom seemed heated.

"Calm down," I whispered to him, "she's just jealous, besides, I can handle this myself."

"Right," Tom said, seeming to calm down, while Olivia did the opposite.

"You've taken everything from me," she growled, "you are such a brat, I think you deserve to lose everything good you have. I think you are talentless, and can't do anything well-"

Tom looked as though he wanted to give her a piece of his mind, so I stepped on his foot.

"Ow," he hissed, luckily, Oliva didn't notice.

"Calm down," I breathed, "I'll take care of it."

"I'm sorry you feel that way," I told Olivia, "but I don't choose for these things to happen, so if you want to keep being salty, then fine, but I just want you to know that I'm not talentless. Everything I do and achieve is because I earned it."

Olivia looked between Tom and me, I was calm. On the other hand, even though Tom was standing behind me, I could feel that he was ticked off.

"Now, I'm starving," I continued, "so I'm going to go, have a nice night."

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