Chapter 2: The Scent of Spring - March 24

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Someone had abandoned that vibrant bloom a few feet from her doorstep. Yet that tiny blossom seemed determined to raise its head towards the rays of that cheerful sun. The rose took comfort in the embrace of that bright star. As though it were whispering secrets into its core. And filling it with hope.

If only she too could garner some solace from that glowing ball in the sky. From the warmth of its radiant face.

She headed for her front door. Her newspaper should have been delivered by now. She swung that door wide. Only to discover another rose lying in front of it. A few feet away. A second bloom discarded on the pavement. Puzzled, she furrowed her brow as her eyes slid left then right. Finally, straight ahead. But the mysterious bearer of blooms was nowhere to be seen. Who on earth would have left her two roses?

She had no friends. He had seen to that. He had isolated her. He'd scared them all away early on in their relationship. So he could have her all to himself. So that she'd be truly alone when he finally abandoned her.

But someone had noticed her. Clearly. Why else would her mystery caller have left her a rose two days in a row?

She bent to pick it up. This time she didn't resist the impulse to bury her nose in its petals. Its heavenly perfume wrapped around her, invading her senses with delight. She was instantly transported into the garden of her dreams. Her eyes fluttered shut as she spent a few precious seconds enjoying that lovely scent.

When was the last time she'd truly feasted upon anything with pleasure flowing through her?

Suddenly, as she inhaled again, she became aware of the scent of spring that permeated the air surrounding her. It seemed to blend with the flower's fragrance. She felt hope stirring in her heart. Spring had always heralded new birth. And that promise carried a pleasing aroma.

Like fresh soil eagerly grasping for seeds of hope. And burying them down deep. Its rich moisture awaiting the summer and its coming harvest of joy.

Or a million tiny blooms suddenly unfolding their faces to the sun. Drinking in its warmth to release their lovely fragrance into the star-kissed air. Filling up a field with their joy. And reminding the earth that even after the stark emptiness of death, the soothing fullness of life arose to overwhelm the world with its peace.

She was engulfed by it right now. A serenity she hadn't felt for years. A feeling she'd very nearly forgotten. An echo of a time long past. When the rays of her mother's gentle smile had bathed her in affection.

Suddenly, a teardrop appeared on one crimson petal of that sweet rose. She stared down at that crystalline water globe as its rainbows danced in the air around it. She hadn't thought of her mother in a while. She didn't wish to think of her now. Except...

...such thoughts were suddenly full of solace. She saw her then. In her mind's eye. Smiling on her. The light of her face releasing a pleasing glow that enveloped her younger self. Reaching up to caress her skin. Bending to kiss her cheek as she breathed sweet words into her soul, "My beautiful girl."

Another tear joined its fellow in its balancing act upon that lush petal.

Her secret admirer had afforded her access to several happy memories today. For just a moment, she wished she could thank her...or him.

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