Chapter 18: Come the Morning - April 1 - 2

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She still had his coat. She realized it as he pulled his truck away from the curb a few moments later. She remained wrapped in his warmth. His scent lingering in the air around her. Every time she moved, she stirred its echoes again. She didn't want to take that jacket off. So she wore it to bed. She was still enfolded by its embrace when she awoke the next morning.

She still couldn't breathe. From last night's kisses. But she woke up to a happy truth. Yesterday hadn't been a dream. Or an April Fools' prank. It had been the advent of her first and most amazing kiss with Blaze. She was still basking in its glow when she opened her front door.

To discover two red roses on the seat of their swing. It felt like their swing now. Hers and Blaze's. His kiss had redeemed it. He seemed to feel it too. For he had placed not one but two roses on its seat today.

But as she approached that swing, she suddenly remembered.

No, the roses aren't from Blaze. They're from my mystery man.

She felt a great sense of alarm. Because she was being pulled between the desires of two men. She was drawn to them both. To the heart that had lavished her with fifty dozen radiant red roses. But also, to the soul of the man who had fed her cheesecake and reined in his burning desires in order to protect her heart. That heart suddenly picked up speed as she stepped close to her swing and saw the paper heart resting on top of its seat.

She hugged Blaze's coat close to her in the chill morning air. It felt like that breeze was bleeding into her soul today. What was she going to do about this impossible situation? One man was wooing her with red roses and passionate poems. Another with the most delicious food and the most gorgeous grins...and the most delightful kisses she'd ever experienced. How could she choose between them? How could she break even one of those precious hearts?

She bent to retrieve today's missive. Her eyes scanned it with trepidation tripping up her heart. Had he seen Blaze romancing her on their swing last night?

Their swing?

Yes. This swing felt like it now belonged to Blaze as well as to her. For they had shared three kisses on this flying seat. Three kisses that had seared him into her soul.

She sighed as her gaze perused the note.

"My joy has bled into your soul.

My prayer is that it makes you whole.

No matter where you go or what you find,

You will always be priceless, sweet, and kind.

"It seems my gifts have done their work,

Pulling you from the darkness that did lurk

In your soul to keep you bound,

But now true love it seems you've found.

"Be happy and free and embrace the future.

Don't look back to the past and lose yourself there.

Take the hand of the one you love.

Accept every sweet gift from above.

"Always remember when you see a rose

That within your heart its sweetness grows.

Keep your face lifted towards the sun.

Embrace its rays and revel in its fun."

She stared at it. Why did this note feel like a goodbye?

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