Chapter 15: Adorable - April 1

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Ruby cleared her throat as Anne's words suddenly came back to her.

"Oh! The florist added eight white roses to your forty red ones. She wanted me to tell you that they were to grow on. She hopes that the coming years of your marriage are golden."

Mrs. Taylor's face softened. "What a sweet woman! How kind of her." She took on an inward look. "I have been truly blessed in my dear Rupert." She bent an inquiring gaze on Ruby. "As I feel certain you will be with your fiery Blaze." She chuckled as Ruby blushed.

"Yes, your name is most apt, my dear. Do you realize that when you're embarrassed you blush in the most adorable way? You light up like a crimson jewel."

Ruby could feel that heat creeping over her cheeks now. But she felt oddly loved by this effusive woman.

"Are you doing anything this afternoon?" Mrs. Taylor abruptly changed the subject.

"Um. Well, I don't know. Your husband gave me the afternoon off."

Mrs. Taylor grinned. "Do you need the time to yourself? Or would you like to earn some extra money?"

"Extra money?" Ruby echoed.

"Yes. We're hosting a grand fete tonight, and my party planner suddenly fell ill this morning. Most of the details are in place. I just need someone to run them by. And a little help here and there.

"Would you like to stay and help me? The party is at seven. I probably wouldn't need your help much past eight thirty if you have other plans. But if you can stay until then, I'll pay you five hundred dollars."

Ruby just gaped at her. That's when she began to believe that she must be dreaming. First, a secret admirer had left her six hundred roses and a beautiful poem. Then another seeming suitor had suddenly appeared like a knight in shining armor just when she'd needed his help. She had found some crazy favor with her big boss and a kind florist. And now she was being offered a small fortune to help throw a party. Plus, she had a dessert date tonight with a very handsome man. Either she was dreaming, or...

...maybe this whole day was an elaborate April Fool's Day joke. At the end of it, Blaze, Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, and a whole host of other people were going to jump out from behind her bushes and yell, "Gotcha!"

Either way, she had nothing to lose and much to gain. So she agreed to help Mrs. Taylor with her party.

Surprisingly, she found herself thoroughly enjoying the entire afternoon, her duties, and Mrs. Taylor. Though, that last was not really a surprise. She was a very sweet woman. But she was right; she was a lion.

"You know," Ruby informed her at one point during the day, "you could dye your hair red. You would look quite ravishing."

Mrs. Taylor's lips twitched. "So, I would look ravishing, but you think you don't?" she teasingly questioned her new friend. Then when Ruby kept silent, she spoke again. "Hmm. I wonder if Mr. Taylor would like it."

"You could always just do your tips red."

Mrs. Taylor's sudden ripple of laughter echoed throughout the empty house. "Whatever would my high society friends think?" She grinned with relish. "What a delightful idea! I shall consider it. I would probably shock Susan too."

"It would be really cool against your dark hair. You'd look like you had flames leaping up into your hair."

"Ooh! That does sound exciting!"

Ruby chortled. So did Mrs. Taylor.

At a later point, Ruby addressed her, "Mrs. Taylor, would you like me to put your roses here?"

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