Chapter 8: You Owe Me Nothing - March 31

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Blaze returned empty-handed a few moments later and sat down across from her again. She peered up at him.

"No dessert?"

"Oh, no. It's coming. I asked the chef to make it. But it'll be a little while. I promise it'll be worth the wait."

She quirked a copper eyebrow at him before taking another bite of her pasta. They ate in leisurely silence for a few minutes. Neither knew what to say. But both were totally invested in the moment. She kept taking surreptitious little glances at him. His gaze caressed her face every time she looked down at her plate. Eventually, their eyes collided. They both felt the shock of that shared glance. Their eyes instantly slid away from each other.

Finally, a waiter arrived with their dessert. Just as they finished their dinner. Ruby stared in shock at the mini chocolate soufflé as their server set it in front of her. Delighted surprise evident in her eyes, she then looked up at Blaze.

"How on earth did you know that this is my very favorite dessert?"

A smile played about the corners of his lips. "Oh, a little birdie told me."

"What?" she breathed out.

"When we were in high school, I once overheard you telling Mary you liked chocolate soufflé."

Ruby simply stared at him. She didn't even remember such a conversation. Why would Blaze?

"How do you remember such an inconsequential thing as that? I don't."

"It wasn't inconsequential. It was a very important piece of the puzzle that was Ruby," he murmured mysteriously as he pushed his spoon into his own soufflé.

He enjoyed chocolate too. It was just one of the things they had in common.

She continued to gawk at him. "'The puzzle that was Ruby?'"

He smiled as he nodded at her. "You always intrigued me."

"What?" she gasped. "I intrigued you? I wouldn't even have thought that you noticed me. No one noticed me. Only Owen."

"That is not true," he spoke emphatically, his eyes challenging hers.

She had no response for him. She was simply floored. She tore her eyes away from his to stare unseeing down at her soufflé. Then she picked up her spoon and scooped some of the delectable dessert into her mouth. And closed her eyes as she savored its rich flavor. The indulgent caress of its soft embrace filled her mouth with wonder.

"That is the best chocolate soufflé I have ever eaten," she murmured a moment later. "Simply amazing."

"Yes, our chef makes the very best I've ever had too. He's been making it for years. Since I was in high school. He perfected it long ago."

"Really?" she looked up at him in interest. "I wish I could get his recipe."

His lips twisted into a quirky smile. "Don't we all?"

As she continued to enjoy her dessert, her eyes met his again. "Blaze, I can't thank you enough for tonight. Dinner has been simply amazing. Including this soufflé. I think you've ruined me for visiting any other restaurants," she chuckled ruefully.

"Excellent! I'm sure to get a raise now," he joked.

She flashed him a grin that he felt all the way to his bones. Did she have any idea how beautiful she was?

She glanced around. "But I've kept you so long. Were you headed home after work?"

He blinked. "No, it's fine. I've enjoyed my time with you. Could we...would to do it again sometime?"

His heart was beating out a rapid tattoo. He took a deep breath in an attempt to still both it and his stomach which also seemed to be doing an odd tango. But that extra oxygen failed to have any effect upon either his pounding organ or his dancing one.

It was her turn to blink. " mean..."

He suddenly pushed the air forcefully out of his lungs as he continued to dive off that high cliff. Heedless of the danger awaiting him below. "Eat dinner with me. Here, if you like. Or...anywhere."

"Oh. Um," she stared at him.

Why did she get the idea that he might just possibly like her a little?

As she gazed up at his face, she was once again distracted by those stunning jade gems he called his eyes. They were so beautiful. She felt immense comfort as she stared into them. And something more. Something that exhilarated her. And scared her. Dare she trust him with her time? She wasn't about to consider entrusting her heart to him. But a little of her time...

However, she must have paused too long because he suddenly spoke again, "It's okay. You don't have to. I just had such a good time with you tonight that I thought maybe you did too..."

He was working hard to cover his disappointment. Was two years not long enough to mourn the death of a dream? And the dissolution of a marriage?

Perhaps it was the betrayal that took so long to recover from. She clearly wasn't ready. He sighed and pushed his chair out away from the table.

"Thank you so much for sharing your meal with me tonight. It's been truly lovely to see you."

At a loss for words, she gaped up at him as he stood up. She wanted to stop him, but she couldn't seem to speak, so she just bobbed her head.

"I'll let you get on with the rest of your evening. I hope to see you again some time." His lips wobbled into a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes anymore.

That's when she realized that she'd just disappointed him. He really did desire to eat dinner with her again. She wanted to invite him to her home so she could cook him a meal, but she was suddenly terrified of such an idea. She didn't know him. Not at all. Not beyond a few glances in high school. Ten long years ago. And this meal they'd just shared. She had no idea what was hidden in his heart. She had trusted Owen. And look where that had gotten her.

So she simply smiled her thanks to him. "Oh! What do I owe you?"

"Nothing, Ruby. You owe me absolutely nothing."

Why did his eyes look so haunted?

"I mean, for the meal."

"Nothing. It's my treat." Again, that little twist of a smile.

Then he was gone. Walking back towards the kitchen. She suddenly felt like weeping again.

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