Chapter 16: An Intimate Web - April 1

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She was waiting for him in the dark. Sitting peacefully on her exalted perch. Remembering how this bench had been covered in roses a few hours ago. For the rest of her life, she would remember today. She dearly hoped it wasn't a dream from which she was about to awake. Or an elaborate April Fools' Day prank. She just wanted this day to be real. One perfect day that she could tuck away in her heart forever.

She had been romanced today. And rescued. And favored. She'd made four new friends. One at work. One at the floral shop. And two under Stephanie's roof.

And she still had Blaze and dessert to look forward to tonight; though, she hadn't resisted sampling some of his chocolate soufflé and the cream cake at the anniversary party. Yet she still had room for more dessert. She was quite passionate about chocolate. And sweets in general. But mostly she was anticipating Blaze's delightful company.

She leaned back in her swing and closed her eyes as it glided through the cool night air. The sun had set over an hour ago, stealing the warmth from the atmosphere. As the sun went to sleep, its heat was also tucked in with it. She shivered and reached for the blanket that she had left hanging over the back of her glider. Blaze found her huddled under it a few minutes later when he arrived with a picnic basket full of goodies.

Quickly, he climbed her steps. He was eager to see her. Even as he felt a slight bit of trepidation.

"Hello!" he called cheerfully as his feet landed on her porch.

"Hi, yourself," she responded shyly. "Did you bring dessert?"

"But, of course!" He smiled as he observed her gliding through the air still. "Is there room on that swing for me?" he asked quietly as his eyes slid down her legs which were stretched out along the seat of the swing.

She nodded and sat up, swinging her legs down until her feet hit the ground. He noticed her shivering as he sat down next to her. Instantly, he shrugged out of his coat.

"You're cold. Here. Wear this."

"But then you'll be cold!" she argued, drawing the blanket closer to her.

"I'll share your blanket. Come on," he urged her as he draped his coat around her shoulders.

She leaned forward and then slipped her arms into the sleeves. "Thank you," she responded through chattering teeth.

"Did you catch a chill out here?" He bent towards her. "Here. Let's zip you up." He grabbed the zipper and wove its teeth expertly together as his fingers rode its pull tab up the center of her torso.

She gazed down at his bent head. This moment felt oddly intimate. She blushed and thanked God for the darkness which hid her tenderness from him.

He reached out and placed his hands on her upper arms and began to chafe them in an attempt to warm her up. Again, another oddly intimate gesture on his part. As though they had been the best of friends for years. Or perhaps even lovers.

"Do you want to go inside your house instead? We could eat in the kitchen."

"No!" she practically shouted.

He recoiled. Stunned.

"I just..." She took a deep breath. "I want to stay on the swing. I...I missed it, you see," she grappled for an explanation she could give him.

"You missed it?"

She nodded. "I haven't sat on it in over two years...until a few days ago. It was always my favorite place to be. When I was younger."

"But it's not now?"

"It's becoming so again."

"Why didn't you sit on it for two years?" he whispered in response to her soft voice.

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