Chapter 32: Adored - May 5

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Ruby and Blaze had spent a lovely season together basking in the sun and in the light of the moon too. As they sat on her swing and conversed. About so many things. All the things that Blaze had dreamed of discussing with her when they were in high school. And college. And over the past few years.

They reminisced about their shared years in high school. Recalling the lively personalities that had surrounded them. The teachers who had elevated school from doldrums to entertainment. The popular kids whose antics had driven them both nuts. The struggling students who had pulled on their heartstrings.

Ruby shared with him about her college years. And the welcome break they had been from Owen. She had often been too busy studying to spend much time with him. He had also been immersed in his studies. Now she wondered if some of that attention had been given to other girls. Or perhaps just one.

"I should have realized then that marrying him was a bad idea. But I think I thought it would fix our problems. That if I married him and gave him what he wanted, then he would become a happier person." She heaved a mighty sigh. "Marriage only made our problems worse. He seemed happy for a few months, but after a while, I could tell he was growing bored with me. I discovered the telltale signs of an affair a few months later."

"Ruby." Blaze stopped. He was hesitating to bring up the subject that was dearest to his heart.

They had been officially dating for a month now. They had weathered the wedding reception at The Picnic Basket together. Ruby had proven herself to be a brilliant party planner. The bride and her mother had both been in transports over the décor and activities that she had chosen. They had also loved the food that Blaze had made.

He had commented when the night was over, "Ruby, you and I make the most amazing team. I hope you'll partner with me again in providing such a pleasing experience to our customers."

Of course, he'd had more on his mind then than mere parties. Still, he had yet to speak his desires aloud.

Now he cleared his throat. "How do you feel about marriage now?" he forced the words out then convinced himself to keep going. "I mean, I know you had a horrible one with Owen. Would you ever be open to the idea of getting married again?"

They were sitting on her swing. It was late evening now. The moon had risen and was beaming happily down on them. As were the twinkling stars. But Blaze wasn't feeling any of their love right now. He was too nervous. Too many of his hopes and dreams were tied up in her answer.

He had already dreamt of waiting for her at the end of the aisle. Of lovely Ruby dressed from head to toe in white, her glorious copper hair spilling down her back in a mess of curls that begged his fingers to tangle themselves in them...just so they could light them on fire. A radiant smile pouring from her eyes. And from her lips. The light of her love for him illuminating her beautiful countenance.

He'd seen the two of them living in this home she loved so much. Hosting parties on her wraparound porch. Nurturing the roses that bloomed in her backyard. Sailing along every evening in her swing.

He'd pictured her joining him in the kitchen at The Picnic Basket. Cooking alongside him. Sampling his new delicacies. Enjoying his desserts. Wowing him with her innovative ideas. Of which he knew she had many. She'd already shared some of her ideas for increasing his business through hospitality initiatives. The woman was brilliant.

He had also envisioned a couple of children joining them in a few years' time. He'd seen himself carrying a small girl on his shoulders. And chasing a little boy about their front yard. While their daughter and her mother smelled the roses at the back of the house.

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