Chapter 33: Success Is a Shared Kitchen - May 7 - 14

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"Blaze, can you pull the soufflés from the oven?" Ruby asked him as she grabbed a handful of lemons from her refrigerator.


He grabbed a potholder and snagged the handle of the oven door with his fingers before tugging on it to yank that little door open. Then he bent to retrieve his delectable delicacies. He was engulfed by a cloud of heat as he pulled them from the oven. The tantalizing aroma of chocolate filled the air, challenging the fragrance of roses for supremacy.

As Blaze set the cookie sheet containing a dozen perfect chocolate soufflés on the counter, Ruby turned towards him and smiled. "Thank you for all your help getting ready for our party tonight."

"Of course. It's our party after all," he grinned at her. "I do love the sound of that," he murmured with a warm light in his eyes.

So did she. That wonderful pronoun meant she wasn't alone anymore.

She glanced at the clock as she juiced lemons. "Goodness! Everyone's going to be here in fifteen minutes! I should have made the lemonade hours ago."

"It's fine. Everything looks wonderful," Blaze soothed her as his eyes traversed the countertop.

His gaze took in the bounty they'd prepared for their guests to consume this evening. Croissants stuffed with savory chicken salad. Bowls overflowing with sliced fruits bursting with every color of the rainbow. Rich chocolate soufflés and tart lemonade. Ruby had outdone herself. With his help, of course. Their guests were going to love this meal.

Especially because they'd get to enjoy it out on her massive wraparound porch in the sweetly scented breeze of late spring. Ruby had an assortment of comfortable cushioned chairs out on her porch. She'd even included a couple of padded benches for their guests to relax against. Blaze had already reserved the swing for the two of them, though.

He picked up the tray of sandwiches and another tray loaded with individual bowls of fruit salad as he headed for the porch. Carrying a pitcher of lemonade and a tray of glasses in her hands, Ruby followed him several minutes later. As she set her burdens down on a table, those dozen glasses caught her eye. For a moment, she remembered how lonely her life had been before a blazing miracle had invaded her world. A couple of months ago, she'd been sitting alone each night at her kitchen table, a solitary glass of water in front of her lone plate. She had sat thus for over two years. Utterly alone.

But a few weeks ago, on the second anniversary of her divorce, a red rose had appeared on the pavement in front of her house. It had heralded the beginning of so many beautiful changes in her life. It had been the compassionate harbinger announcing that she was no longer alone. That a secret someone treasured her.

A few days later, a second water glass had joined hers on the table Blaze had set at The Picnic Basket. Its presence had been the sign that a man bent on loving her kindly and passionately had begun to pursue her openly. Tonight was the harvest of all those seeds of love Blaze had planted within the rich soil of her heart over the last few weeks. For this evening's gathering was the fruit of the domino effect begun by Blaze's beautiful bountiful gifts.

His roses had opened Ruby's heart to reach out to others. In turn, those affected by her kindness had responded with quick-budding affection. This evening, she would be surrounded by several of these new friends. Anne, Brenda, Amy, and Karen would all be in attendance as well as the Taylor family.

Plus, Ruby was enjoying the restoration of her most precious childhood friendship. Mary's. This was a sure sign that reconciliation was possible. Ruby had also been given a second chance at love with Blaze. And in a few minutes, she would have the opportunity to make two more new friends when Blaze introduced her to a couple of his buddies whom she had yet to meet.

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