Chapter 9: A Garden Full of Roses - April 1

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She awoke to sadness again. She'd gone to bed deflated last night. After her encounter with Blaze. She'd chastised herself all night long for her lack of courage. For her failure to comfort him in his disappointment. By stepping out to take his hand. Or just to eat another meal with him.

She hadn't dreamt of the garden last night. Not even her dreamland was a refuge anymore. Now the sun was encroaching on her darkness again. She cracked open one eye and glared at it. She was instantly flooded with the memory of the light of Blaze's smile. And the fire in his jade eyes.

She sighed and dragged herself from bed. She didn't remember the roses until she stopped to put her dish in the sink. And several blooms smiled down at her. She headed for the porch as she wondered whether she'd receive a poem today. She didn't feel worthy of such a gift this morning. Not after hurting Blaze last night.

But the question was: how had she hurt him? Why did he seem to like her? She had learned over the years that there was little to like about herself. She was nothing special. She wasn't beautiful. Or brilliant. Or funny. She didn't even have any friends.

Even the love of her life had found someone more to his taste. Clearly, Ruby held little interest for him anymore. None, in fact. Even though he had once married her. She had attracted his notice. But her luster had faded. Apparently, she didn't live up to her name. No priceless gem was she. Why would Blaze want her now that she'd been used and discarded?

Perhaps she'd been mistaken last night. Maybe Blaze just wanted a friend. She could use a friend too.

She was looking forward to today's rose. She was craving some comfort for her soul. But she felt the sharp edge of disappointment as she opened the door and found no crimson beauty hovering over her steps. No heart note either. She hung her head. Had even her secret admirer deserted her?

She had known it was too good to be true. Why would any guy spend more than a week or two pursuing her? There was no treasure hidden within her soul. Nothing to draw a man to her side. And hold him there.

But as she turned to go back inside her house, her eye slid over the swing, and she gasped. Rooted to the spot, she stared at her old friend. The one who had taken her on many a flight since childhood. The one upon whose seat Owen had broken her heart. But today her heart was no longer breaking. It was overflowing. For that swing was covered in roses.

As she stared in shock at that crimson tide, she had to admit that she didn't own enough vases to handle that many roses. Tentatively, she set her foot on the porch and began to tiptoe towards that massive pile of someone's affection for her. It was now undeniable. No one without fondness in his heart for her would give her such an extravagant gift.

Her eyes began to count the blooms. There must be over six hundred roses here! What on earth was she going to do with them? She'd have to put them in the bathtub to feed them all a drink of water. Someone was lavishing his love on her. But why wouldn't he show her his face?

She stood simply staring down at them for a long time. No one had ever given her a gift this outrageous before. Not even close. But as her eyes skimmed that swing, she realized that wasn't a true statement.

Her gaze slid along the contours of her beloved home. Beloved still. Despite the fact that Owen had occupied this house with her for eighteen months. This home remained precious to Ruby. Even though she'd found him in bed with another woman within its walls.

This house was the most extravagant gift anyone had ever left her. Her precious mother had given her this beauty. Ruby would always love it. No matter what occurred within its walls. But today it was within the confines of the swing hovering above its porch that a miracle had occurred. A stunning crimson miracle. A ruby tide of someone's love for her had invaded her favorite domain. Gladdening her heart. And replacing that horrid memory of Owen's rejection with a vibrant gem of someone's adoration.

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