Chapter 5: Noticed - March 31

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She'd decided to visit her favorite little café for dinner. It served a simple yet delicious menu. But that wasn't why she had chosen it. She had picked it because she wouldn't look out of place eating alone there. Still, she found a table near the back corner of the tiny bistro. Out of the way of any prying eyes. Nevertheless, she found herself self-conscious as the waiter approached her. However, as she lifted her eyes to his face, she discovered it breaking forth into a wide grin.

"Ruby?" he gasped. "Is that you?"

As her eyes slid across his handsome face, a tiny bell of recognition sounded.

"Blaze?" she queried as her gaze clung to his intriguing countenance.

He was rather ordinary looking. Except for two things. The first was his pair of piercing jade eyes. They seemed to glow in his head like two brilliant gemstones. A wreath of gold encircled each of his midnight pupils, deepening the beauty of those magnificent eyes. They elevated his face to fascinating.

But it was the bright grin lighting up his countenance that completely captivated her for a moment. Surely the man hadn't been this handsome when they'd attended high school together. Of course, back then she'd only had eyes for Owen. But today those eyes seemed to be open to other possibilities.

She soaked in the embrace of Blaze's gaze and of his pretty, pale red lips. They were curved into a grin of such delight, his white teeth shining between them, that she felt utterly accepted by this veritable stranger. After all, she hadn't seen him in – what? – ten years?

As she watched the golden flames leaping in those moss green orbs, she suddenly laughed internally at the aptness of his name. For just a moment, she wondered if there was an echoing fire in his heart. She brushed that silly thought away as her eyes traced the dark cascade of midnight bangs that fell rakishly across his forehead. Then her gaze slid down the straight blade of his nose. His question drew her attention back to his beautiful mouth again.

"How are you?" he asked.

She shrugged. "I'm all right."

She had no idea what to say to this man. She couldn't remember a single conversation they had indulged in back in high school. Had they ever even spoken to each other? In those days, she'd been hanging on Owen's every word. She hadn't had time or energy for anyone else.

Now Blaze beamed at her. "I'm glad. It's so good to see you." He glanced at the empty seat opposite her. "Are you waiting for a friend?"

He didn't miss the tremor that suddenly passed over her face. "Nope. Just me," she spoke in a tiny voice.

He cleared his throat suddenly, pulling her eyes towards him again. "Would it be too weird if I ask you if I could eat dinner with you?"

She gaped at him. "Uh..  Aren't you working?"

He nodded. "But my shift is over in fifteen minutes. I could take your order and bring our dinner out before I clock out."

"Oh." She blinked.

She was at a loss for words. That's when she realized that she had no idea how to be around other people. She desperately wanted a friend. But if she had one, what would she possibly do with him?

"It's okay. You don't have to say yes." He paused for a moment before blowing out a long breath. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you on the spot. The last thing I want to do is to make you feel uncomfortable."

But she could hear the disappointment in his voice. She glanced up at him curiously. Blaze was let down because she didn't want to eat with him? Why?

He answered her unspoken question a moment later. "I just...I always liked you. You were so nice."

She was? How could he remember her so clearly, yet she couldn't recall a single conversation they'd had?

As her silence persisted, he continued to smile down at her. "What would you like to eat?"

She stared up at him for a few silent moments before whispering, "Okay."


She nodded.

He peered down at her. Then his lips quirked. "I'm not sure we have that on the menu tonight. I'll have to consult our list of specialties, but...I don't remember it being on the list."

Her eyes narrowed. "I meant...okay, you can eat with me if you like."

That adorable grin suffused his face with light once more. "Excellent!" He took a deep breath. "Now...what can I get you?"

She glanced up at him as an odd quirk entered her soul. "Surprise me."

His eyebrows flew north. "Surprise you?"

"Mm hmm," she gave a definitive nod of her head.

"Are you allergic to anything?"

She shook her head.

"Is there anything you don't like to eat?"


"You don't like mushrooms?" he sounded astonished.

She shook her head back and forth.

"But how can you not like to eat something as delectable as fungus?" he asked, biting back a grin.

Her lips twitched. "Well, when you put it that could I ever refuse such an intriguing dish as fungus?"

"I don't know. It's positively tantalizing. Especially sautéed in butter."

"But they're slimy," she pointed out. "And squishy. They remind me of what I think snails must feel like between your teeth. Sort of like chewing rubber."

He suddenly barked with laughter, and she stared up at him in wonder. Had she ever made Owen laugh? Even once? She couldn't recall such an occurrence. She smiled uncertainly up at Blaze.

"You're absolutely right. No mushrooms it is! I promise to bring you back something delicious. And mushroom-free." He twinkled down at her before disappearing into the kitchen.

She stared after him in wonder.

What was going on?

Blaze had seemed genuinely delighted to see her. Almost as though they were old friends. But they'd never been more than acquaintances passing each other in the hallway. He'd been a senior the year she was a sophomore. She'd seen him almost every day, but she certainly hadn't noticed him. She'd only been aware of him in a general sense. However, she now had to wonder...had he noticed her?

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