Chapter 27: Epiphany - April 4

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Her secret admirer wanted to meet her tonight. At the same time that she was supposed to be meeting with Blaze. But she had no way to tell her mystery man that she was busy. If she didn't show up to their rendezvous, she might never know if he was the true love her heart was craving. Now that she had begun to question her faith in Blaze, this man might be her last hope.

But it appeared that she might miss them both tonight. Her new job was requiring more time of her today than she had to give. As Ruby consulted the clock on her phone for the umpteenth time, her new boss, Amy, glanced at her sharply.

"Do you have somewhere else to be?"

"Um. I have a meeting I'm supposed to attend at six tonight."

"Oh, Ruby! Why didn't you say something? We can do this tomorrow."

Ruby's head snapped up. "We can?"

It was ten minutes until six. She had a bit of a drive before she'd arrive at her destination. She didn't think it was possible to make it on time now.

"Yes. Go! Go! I hope you make it on time. By the way, I love your ideas, and I'm so glad Mr. Taylor sent you my way."

"You are?" Ruby mumbled under her breath as she ran out the door. "See you tomorrow!" she shouted over her shoulder as she dashed towards the elevator.

"Ruby! Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

Ruby glanced up to see Brenda waiting outside the closed elevator doors.

"I'm headed to a meeting on the other side of town. At six."

Brenda consulted her phone. "Yikes! You're going to be late."

"Probably." Ruby's heart sank. She was going to miss him. She shouldn't have cancelled her date with Blaze. At least, she could have gotten her confrontation over with tonight.

"It's too bad you're busy. I'm meeting a couple other girls for dinner. You could come with us."

"Thanks for the offer. Maybe some other time." Ruby gave her a half-hearted smile.

I'll probably have lots of time on my hands pretty soon. Seeing as I've now lost my chances with two men. The only two men who have ever really pursued me.

Brenda chatted about inconsequential matters until they reached the bottom floor, then Ruby dashed out to her car. Where she found the red heart. A reminder that she was running very late.

She'd taken a picture of it before she'd headed into work so that she could read it on her break. She'd read it this morning, a couple of minutes before her shift had started. She recalled its lines as she started her car and glanced down at the black calligraphy.

"What are you, my very dear?

You are a red rose in bloom.

What do you release into the atmosphere?

You steal all my gloom.

"Your smile robs me of all my air

And you take away all of my care.

Your voice comforts me sweetly.

Your laughter wraps around me neatly.

"I wish to hold you in my arms,

Sampling every one of your charms.

I want to see you face to face.

And I know the perfect place.

"Meet me at The Rose Garden.

The perfect place to pick a bloom.

Please don't let your heart harden.

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