Chapter 12: A Single Rose - April 1

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"You are a truly kind person, Ruby," he murmured after she'd handed several people a rose along with a sweet word or two.

Blaze had been watching her for ten minutes. She was standing behind the counter in the lobby greeting people as they entered the busy building.

"Good morning. Welcome to Cooper Electronics. Would you like a rose?"

She had caught every single person off guard. Blaze had been standing off to the side simply enjoying the astounded glances of the little procession. Most people didn't know what to do with her question. Each of the women had looked utterly delighted by her offer, though. Blaze decided right then and there that no woman got as many flowers as she needed, apparently.

His lips quirked as he continued to ruminate.

Except for Ruby. Today.

She'd gotten more than she could handle. They were now overflowing into the lives of everyone around her.

He watched as one glowing woman turned away from her with an expression of abject joy enlightening her countenance as she clutched her bloom close to her heart. The next woman in line had a question for Ruby.

"Miss? I wonder...could I have two roses? My sister's boyfriend stomped all over her heart last night, and she was absolutely devastated when I spoke on the phone with her a few minutes ago. I'd like to take her a rose too."

"To remind her that she's priceless?" Ruby murmured. "No. One rose will not do. You can take her a dozen."

Blaze watched as she separated thirteen roses from her pile and handed them to the woman.

"The extra one is for you," Ruby beamed, "because you're priceless too."

Was that a tear sliding down the woman's cheek?

Blaze watched in awe as she reached up with the back of her hand and wiped it away as she murmured, "Thank you so much. You are an absolute darling!"

But Ruby just looked humbled when Blaze's eyes met her countenance once more. Then her gaze shifted his way. He smiled at her. Her eyes widened.

"You're still here!"

" didn't tell me what night we're doing dinner. Also, I need your phone number and address."

"Oh! Duh!" She slapped her forehead. "Silly me. Of course, you don't know where I live."

Why did she feel like he'd already visited her at her house?

"Can I see your phone?" she asked as a lull in traffic occurred.

Just then the company phone in front of her rang. She picked it up as she held her hand out to receive his own phone. After he gave it to her, she typed her name, number, and address into it while she fielded the questions of the caller on the business line.

Blaze marveled at her. Did she have any idea how brilliant she was?

Finally, she hung up the phone and handed him his.

"Thanks," he muttered.

"I texted myself too, so I have your number now. Are you free tonight at seven?"

He winced. "Can we make it eight? I have to help with a big party tonight at five thirty."

She frowned. "Is it a bad night? We could do it tomorrow instead."

"How about I meet you on your porch at nine tonight for dessert? I'll bring it. And tomorrow you can make me dinner at seven."

A huge smile lit up her face. "That sounds absolutely perfect. Thank you. I'll see you tonight."

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