Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

“What the French toast just happened, Blaze!?” Fallen snapped at her sister, scared and annoyed. Blaze, on the other hand, was just in complete shock.

“Did… did we just go through that machine? Are we in the future?!” Blaze thought these out loud, to where Fallen could hear.

“Yes! I don’t know how far into the future, but we did! And oh my gosh, we survived!” Fallen started flipping out by this incredible statement.

She was right; they had survived. The first people to time travel had survived. But would they ever be able to go back and tell that they were alive?

Blaze and Fallen stood, brushing themselves off, pieces of sand hitting the desert floor. They looked each other over for any cuts, and found nothing.

When they looked up again, ray guns were inches from their faces.

“Oh, shit.” Fallen spoke quietly, her hands beginning to rise above her head some. Blaze’s did the same.

“Gee, I don’t think they are part of the dracs.” Mikey stated, lowering his ray gun into his holster on his waist. Frank and the others did as well. Gerard, on the other hand, lowered his but kept his out.

“If they aren’t dracs, then why do they seem like ones, huh?” Gerard pointed the gun back to them as he looked at his younger brother.

“For one, they don’t have green eyes. Two, they don’t have masks on you idiot, and three, they aren’t wearing those stupid suits.” Mikey explained to Gee.

This made Gee put his ray gun away fully. Blaze and Fallen lowered their hands to the sides, still slightly worried about this situation.

“Let me through!” Little Star’s voice made everyone move. The 8 year old had a beaming smile on her face.

“Hi!!” Star’s smiled hadn’t faded as she looked up at Blaze and Fallen. “I’m Star!” She introduced herself.

“Uh…” Fallen looked over at her sister, question filling her expression. Blaze gave a small nod, her eyes fixed on Mikey.

“I’m Fallen, and this is my sister, Blaze.” She spoke clearly, a small smile on her lips.

Blaze had said nothing since the Killjoys got there. Fallen was confused on that part of this whole thing. Why hadn’t she spoken?

“Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Star, and Ray.” Gerard spoke, running his hand through his neon red hair. It flopped back down into his eyes.

“Nice to meet you all. Sorry, but I have to ask. Why are you all caked in mud and blood?” Fallen looked everyone over. Everyone, except little Star, had some sort of injury on them.

“You seriously don’t know?” Mikey spoke up, his eyes trailing over to Fallen.

“Uh. No. I don’t. We don’t. We’ve been here for about 5 minutes, actually.” She muttered, annoyed with this Mikey character.

“Five minutes?” Gerard arched one of his eyebrows, confused by what she meant.

“Yes, five minutes. Are you deaf?!” Blaze said this, snapping out of her trance like state.

“Jeez, Blaze. The guy just asked a question. Chill already,” Fallen tapped her shoulder a couple times. Blaze mumbled something to herself, but agreed without a word.

“Tell me more about this five minute thing.” Gerard’s serious side kicked in then.

“Well, we were at school, in the gym for the science fair. The teachers had this time machine thing they built and were showing it to us. I don’t know about Blaze, but something was like controlling me, telling me to step into the machine. I couldn’t think straight, something was clouding my mind, not allowing me to even blink.” Fallen said in a hurry, wanting to get this over with.

“So… ya’ll are from the… past?” Mikey tilted his head, very confused. The others were as well.

“I believe so. The year back home was 2015. What is it here?” Fallen asked, taking a much needed glance at Blaze.

“2034 or something like that. We’ve lost count, to be honest.” Ray spoke this time.

“So… would that make us older? Or the same age we were?” Fallen turned, seeing her sister back to normal now.

“Same age. The time machine apparently made you two immortal somehow.” Gerard murmured, looking the two girls over.

“Immortal? Cool!” Fallen clapped, where as her sister just blinked. Blaze couldn’t understand what any of this could mean. Why were they even in the desert? How on earth were they alive? Were they troublesome? So many questions filled their heads, it was unreal.

As the group talked, Blaze and Fallen began to feel like they were at home. They knew something had changed, and they didn’t want to go back to the real world. They didn’t even know what was going on in this strange 2034 year. But deep down, they were home.

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