Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

Night had fallen in the warm desert area. Gerard and the rest of them decided that they would camp there for the night and move on in the morning. Fallen and Blaze basically became part of the Killjoys.

“So, Fallen, Blaze. Ya’ll need your Killjoy names.” Gerard spoke this with a broad smile.

“Killjoy? What’s that?” Blaze turned, her eyes full of wonder. Fallen was interested as well.

“Our group name. We all have code names for certain reasons. You two need code names if you both are going to stick with us.” Gerard explained.

Fallen and Blaze just stared at him. Them? Part of a group? Really?

“I’m Party Poison,” Gerard spoke, and then turned to the others.

“Kobra Kid,” Mikey said this without looking up or anything. He was too preoccupied with Star.

“Jet-Star,” Ray smiled at the twins.

“Fun Ghoul,” Frank looked up. “Gerard goes by Poison, Mikey goes by Kobra, Ray goes by Jet, and I go by Ghoul when we use our code names.”

“Hey! Don’t forget me!” Little Star’s voice screamed, sending the group jumping. They all then started laughing.

“And Star here is Missile Kid, going by Missile.” Mikey ruffled her hair, a smile on his face the entire time. Star just glared at him. “No touchy touch my hair.” She said, trying to be serious, but the smile crept back onto her face.

This made all of them laugh for a bit. It seemed to lighten the mood, all the tension in the air.

“Do we name ourselves, or do you pick?” Fallen asked. She wanted to pick her own, and was probably going to die if she didn’t get to.

“You pick your own.” Star added in before anyone could.

“Death Spork for me, then!” Fallen clapped, happy to have it her way.

“I think… I’ll go with Blessed Curse.” Blaze smiled.

“Well, Spork and Curse, welcome to the Killjoys!” Gee smiled, as well did the others.

Fallen and Blaze were beyond happy. Words couldn’t describe how excited they were. But soon, all that happiness would fade into sadness and worry.

They didn’t know anything about Battery City, nor did they know about Korse or the draculoids. Gerard was starting to wonder when was the right time to tell them. The time he would choose would be bad.

Star’s little yawn broke the awkward silence. Everyone looked over at her, seeing her curled into a small ball on the sandy plain. Frank carefully slide his arms under her and picked her up.

“I think it’s time for us to get some shut eye. We have to be up early tomorrow. We need to get back to base camp before the dracs do.” Gerard spoke, confusing Fallen and Blaze by the word ‘dracs’.

Without any shelter, they group laid down and tried getting comfortable. Star and Frank were the first ones asleep. Mikey and Ray soon followed, as well as Fallen and Blaze. Gerard, on the other hand, was wide awake, too alert for any movement.

For about an hour, he laid there, eyes wide opened, and scanning the black world around them. When everything seemed clear, his eyes closed, and within seconds, he drifted off.

During the night, Star awoke, having the same feeling of being watched shaking her through her core. She woke no one though. She thought they looked too peaceful to wake, and left them alone. Little did she know it would cost one of them to be kidnapped when she went back to bed.

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