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"Yoongi, hurry wake up"

"Hey come on"

Yoongi felt a light dizziness in his head. He slowly opened his eyes as he started to scan the room that he was in. "Where are we?" he asked in a weak voice.

"I don't know, i think we're in an attic" Irene replied.

Yoongi finally fully awake and he realized that his hands and foot were tied up on the back of a chair. He shook his body to get out from the rope grasp, but it only made his body in pain since the rope was too tight.

"What the fuck? Who did this?!" he complained. "Namjoon. He caught us" Irene quickly replied.

"Fuck. Y/N. We have to save her!" he remembered Y/N and suddenly felt panic. The same goes for Irene.

"How?? We came here unplanned. He might hurt us!!" she protested to him.

"Can you hop to me? Untie me first and then find her" he asked and got an 'okay' response from Irene.

She hopped little by little and successfully reached Yoongi who was placed far accross from her. She made her back faced his back too, so she could untie his hands. "Quick untie me befor anyone go here" he said in a panic tone.

Irene stroked the rope on her hands, tried to find the knot that was tied. Sometimes she took a glance and continued her work.

It had been 15 minutes but she hadn't even reached halfway. The knots were too complex and tricky to solve. In a sudden, they heard footsteps started to get closer to them.

"Shit!! Irene come one you can do it" Yoongi's voice started to become weaker since he felt so scared. Heavy breathings can be heard on Irene, fear also took over her body. Sweats formed on her forehead and her eyes wandered everywhere.

A creaking sound was heard as the door to the attic was opened, showing Namjoon and 2 of his bodyguards.

"Well well, what do we have here"

They froze in place, and avoided glancing at Namjoon.

Namjoon walked to them and circled around them like a lion circling its prey. "Your friendship is lovely," he stopped his path and walked back a little, "should i make it to 'was lovely'?" he said in sarcasm tone.

"What the fuck do you want bastard. Let Y/N go" Yoongi spoke back to him with anger in bis eyes. "Oh my, such a brave boy. Your face is too pale, a nice canvas for a little red paint" he stared at Yoongi and smiled creepily to him.

"Boys" Namjoon signalled to the bodyguards as they walked to Yoongi and punched him countlessly.

"STOP DON'T PUNCH HIM" Irene started to cry and screamed. "Awww, his little girlfriend is protecting him."

"Please.......have mercy on us"

"ARGHHH" Yoongi yelled in pain , still getting punches from the bodyguards, followed by Irene's high pitched scream. "Please.....i'm a fan of you" she cried desperately.

"Oh really? Thanks, i appreciate it. But you were helping my babygirl escaping, and that's the last thing you wanna do to me." he put his hands on his hips and smirked to her.

"Boys, enough" Namjoon commanded the bodyguards to stop as they stepped back and stood by his side. Yoongi's face was full of bruised. His nose and lips were bleeding, his cheeks were bruised badly. He felt weaker than before.

"Don't. Think. You. Can. Date. Y/N" Yoongi spoke word by word, still feeling the pain on his face.

"That wasn't enough? Boys, again"

The bodyguards walked to Yoongi again, but this time they were punching and kicking his body and face. Yoongi who already weak, got more weaker and eventually, just gave in since there was no opportunity to escape.

"Stop please.... STOP!!!!!" Irene screamed on top of her lungs as Namjoon laughed evily. "No one, NO ONE, can stop me and my babygirl to become one, one soul, one heart. We are meant for each other, you're just being salty" he explained to them.

Yoongi on the otherside, kept groaning in pain. As minutes went by, he started to feel his eyes closing and suddenly passed out due to the punches and kicks. The pain was unbearable, he couldn't even put his hands to protect his face. The bodyguard also stopped after he passed out.

"Don't you see how scared Y/N when she ran away with us. THAT MEANS SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU IDIOT" Irene couldn't hold back her anger, all she wanted to do was to end everything right now and live peacefully.

"She hurted me, so she deserves to get hurt. In our relationship we share the same pain. Romantic isn't it?"

Irene widened her eyes in disbelief. It was shocking to see her own favorite artist torturing her and her friends right now. An innocent looking boy who smiles a lot to his fans was like this when all the cameras were gone.

"I'm so sick of you. Watch your carreer destroyed when i get out from here" Irene said in disgust.

Namjoon crossed his hands on bis chest and chuckled to her. He walked closer to her and lowered his face on the same level as her eyes.

"So positive about getting out from here, huh?" Irene stared at his eyes sharply, throwing away her fear and acted tough in front of him. "I can keep you up here, starve you till death, or even kill you right now. My carreer will be fine, and i'll keep getting famous everyday"

Irene's courage shrunk after hearing the sttement that he can kill her or starve her to death.

Namjoon stand up straight again and walked out from there, "Oh, i think the first option is better. Girls wanna be thin right?" he blinked and shutted the door.


Irene just screamed in fear. She couldn't cry anymore because she cried too much earlier. No tears were forming on her eyes. All she could do was screaming to release her stress and anger that couldn't even got rid off.


A/N : from 50 readers and suddenly 73?! I can't believe my eyes T_T. Thankyou so much for reading my story, i hope you enjoy it! Sorry for my lacking grammar and vocabularies, English isn't my main language. Feel free to give some advices so i can write better<3
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