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07:25 am

She woke up with a tight grasp around her waist. She looked behind her and spotted him sleeping peacefully while hugging her. A thought of escaping came to her mind. She couldn't bear living there anymore.

She slowly took his hands off her waist and stepped on the ground. But unfortunately, as soon as she stood up, he woke up and called her.

"Y/N, where are you going?" he sat on the bed and rubbed his eyes. "N-nowhere" she stuttered and Namjoon demanded her, "It's too early, let's sleep again." he gently patted the bed , signalling her to lay by his side.

With her back still facing his face, she replied to him with hushed voice, "But i'm not sleepy anymore". He scoffed at her refusal. "Don't make me say twice, you do what i do"

She felt like crying inside, the same fear was felt on her entire body again, just like yesterday. "I-i can't fall asleep again if i already woke up"

"Tch, fine. Let's have breakfast." He walked to her and grabbed her hand, lead her to the dining room. The breakfast was already served. Both of them were quiet since the horrible event happened. Namjoon still gave her an attitude while Y/N, she just felt nothing at all. She had no more dream rather than escape.

The sound of the spoon and fork that were clinking, was heard throughout the room. The atmosphere there was pretty....intense. But in just a couple of minutes, the clinking sound came to a stop at the one side of the table.

"I'm done" she said softly, not finishing her meal because she lost her appetite. Namjoon didn't respond as he continued eating. Y/N left the dining room and walked back to her room.

When she reached the 2nd floor, suddenly she heard someone's scream faintly, followed with some thuds from upside. She was confused , at first she thought Namjoon hired people to fix the roof or ceiling, but no one came to his house except her.


thud thud thud


thud thud thud

She felt goosebumps all over her arms, that voice is definitely Irene's. She hit her head as she just remembered that seh was caught wih two of her friends. Her mind just clicked, Irene said 'us' , so Yoongi must be there too.

She took a quick glance to the dining room and glad that Namjoon still eating breakfast. Plus, he read his book so that could help her buying his time.

She roamed around the 2nd floor to find te source of the voice. She was pretty sure that it came from upside, but there was no way leading to upside.

Her eyes catched an odd looking window. She never paid attention to her surrounding, so she never felt suspicious about that. The other windows were opened and was showing the beautiful sky. But this one weird window, always closed and looked like a decoration.

She walked there and tried to open the window. She felt nothing but a flat wall. "What the heck is this" she mumbled quietly to herself. She saw a little gap on the left side of the window and she couldn't believe her mind.

She looked around her, made sure that no one was there, and she pushed the 'window' slowly. Turned out, it was a secret door. The window was only a painting. As she went in, she closed the door tightly and spotted a stair so she climbed the long long stairs slowly.


"Yoongi, please stay alive for me and Y/N" Irene sniffled. "I will. I promise we'll save her" he replied softly and threw a weak smile at her.

They were startled by the knocking on the door, as they stopped making a sound and stared at each other in fear mixed with miserable looks.

Yoongi mouthed something to Irene

You must survive


Y/N heart was aching by her friends conversation. All of the horibble things that they got was because of her. She blamed herself repeatedly in her mind. I'm sorry Yoongi, Irene.

Finally she reached the end of the stairs. But as expected, the door was locked, so she just knocked softly. "Irene? Yoongi? Please, i know you're inside" she said softly, while turning her head backward over and over again to make sure no one find her.

Irene and Yoongi widened their eyes. A slight happiness could be seen on their faces due to their long lost friend's voice. "Y/N, we're tied here. We can't open it" Irene spoke to her.

"I'll try to kick this door till it open."

Y/N gathered her power and stomped powerfully on the door. Surprisingly it was a wooden door, so it wouldn't be as bad. But the problem was that it was still locked with a metal lock.

She kicked multiple time but the door wouldn't open like what she expected. Her power was drained and no longer could threw a strong kick. The last thing that came up was to throw her whole body, to add the pressure.

After a couple of time, the door broke and she found her friends in a very horrible condition.

But, before she could went in, Namjoon was staring at her, with anger in his eyes at the downside of the stairs.

Namjoon dashed to her and stretched his hands to grab her, but this time, she became a little bit smarter than him.

She grabbed both of his palm and pushed him strongly, and kicked his stomach to add more power to her attack. Namjoon was pushed backward and fell hardly.

Y/N quickly dashed to Irene first and attempted to untie the rope, but the knots were too much. The air there was very intense yet scary. She knew that Namjoon would eventually snapped because of her action, but there's no fault in trying, right?

She untied Irene and proceeded to Yoongi, but Namjoon had arrived with his 5 bodyguards there. The bodyguards secured Irene from Y/N. Y/N stood in front of Yoongi to protect him. Guilty was eating her up when she saw how horibble Yoongi's physical condition that time.

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