s e a g r e e n

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all days are not dealt equally.

there are some days where life runs at a break-neck speed and you're enjoying the thrill of the ride, eyes wide and watery yet your senses sparked with the rush of living.

there are also some days where you can't keep up with the speed anymore, your body blaring signals that things need to slow down now and perhaps it cannot take any more rushes than it already has.

then comes a time when life does slow down, and you sigh in relief. about damn time you get a grip on the rails and manage to grasp whatever is happening around you, just appreciate your surroundings for its razor sharp clarity rather than the blur of things making your veins pop.

but as time progresses, the slowness starts getting to you. you wanted the ride to slow, but not slow to the point where it's a standstill. it begins to create an unrest, a restlessness to feel the thrill again, to taste life right back up from the top.

we are all often caught in this loop.

how often is it that we find ourselves exactly where we want to be?

maybe 7 days in 365.

those are days where either successes have been earned at break-neck speed, the achievement of it a rush like no other.

or they are days where you've run out of steam and find yourself one day of your running life to give for yourself, doing something you like.

rejuvenating yourself, as it is called.

but the rest of the time, we are in a limbo. a limbo of restlessness where life is not at the right speed and we spend most of our time trying to break or accelerate.

we're in a car ride without either of them.

it's no wonder that we are seldom able to figure out what we want. when life is a blur, all you can see are fusions of your energy, your efforts, your time.

of yourself trying to stand out from the blur.

until that's a lot of effort and you just want to blend right in.

then the ride slows and things go back to normal. everything becomes clear and stands out. except that now you feel like the blur in the equation.

you wonder who you are, what it was that you were trying to achieve. you were supposed to stand out, right? since when did you don the colour of the blur then?

thus grows the discomfort, the restlessness, the mindlessness.

there are very few people who can draw the line between the two lives. who can belong wherever they are in the form that's natural and bearing to them.

those are people who are comfortable in their skin, for whom standing out isnt a conscious decision but a gift because they are that uniquely made.

they don't have multiple sequences of thoughts. they're simple connected to themselves, and that's what enables them to see the brakes and accelerator in the car they're riding.

that doesn't mean that we are meant to live this way. even we can turn ourselves around, provided we learn to see the kaleidoscope a different way.

and once you do that, boy oh boy, is life a ground of manifested peace.


- by a restless soul reunited with tranquility


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