m a g e n t a

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there are always going to be people telling you that you need to stick with the crowd.

it's the path well traveled, the conventional norm.

it's safe.

any person daring to step out of the normal is an outcast.

any person not adhering to the convention is set for doom.

any person who doesn't meet the timeline is certainly going to fail by a big margin.

who ever set the criteria?

everyone is programmed to clock a different life at a different pace.

in the run for becoming something, people often forget that there is no yardstick for comparison.

atleast a comparison with others.

your biggest comparison needs to be the person you are today versus who you were yesterday.

often down the road you find many people who pull you down for imagining not the impossible, but something different.

something capable of changing the world for the better.

but your vision scares them. its bold, its unshackled, its a niche.

it takes guts to see it through. a stomach strong enough to bear failure. resistance. hardships.

there won't be shoulders to support you.

you'll be shown a thousand ways as to why you are sure to fail.

but you know the one reason why you won't.

make that reason your guiding light, your spirit of success.

creating a mark for yourself isn't an overnight process but the fruits of it ripen overnight.

take your time to breathe through the process.

people often underestimate the strain it takes on your mental and emotional health to keep stable on a journey filled with more lows than highs.

hold your grounds on the days its tough.

you may have many contacts but only two whose numbers you can hit dial.

know the people you'll have your back with their arms, not daggers.

stop mapping your success by the boundaries of another's accomplishments.

you're your own person. you have your own book whose journey you pen as you live out each chapter.

don't write the ending and then design the story.

let the story transcend to the destination it was meant to reach.

patience is a virtue.

it's easy to let frustration seep in on the rainy days. you have plans, you have goals, you have dreams.

above all, you have towering obstacles.

you overcome them, yes. not by hitting back or giving up, but by calmly trying a smart way out.

practicality helps overcome a lot of woes.

at the end of the day, stand before the mirror and stare into your soul.

if you find yourself a step further on the journey than you were yesterday, you've succeeded another day.

if you can meet eyes and uphold your head in the virtues of your principles, you've achieved far much more than you can have fathomed.

for it takes a lot to be successful, but it takes even more to stick your ground in terms of the principles your nurture.

and to the one who dares to do it?

truly rare.


- to the indomitable spirit of being rare


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