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there's never anything as innocent as your first love.

everyone shares this experience differently.

some see it as a first passing attraction that shakes them to their very core, some believe it to be their high school crush, some regard it to be the first time they truly fall in love with someone.

varying emotions yet with the same innocence.

people often say that your first love is also puppy love. its young and naive and innocent and perhaps teaches you more about this emotion than all novels and shows put together.

most people walk away with bitter memories. the rare few who hit jackpot, never quite appreciate the uniqueness of the experience.

but it's all fun and good.

love is often associated with intense emotions. it's a feeling quite unlike anything else, something you don't really feel in control of. something just clicks and sparks happen.

that's perhaps why your first love is always the most unique.

its bridled with innocence.

the feelings you experience are often new.

why do i feel my heart ring in my ears every time i am close to that person?

why do i feel butterflies every time our hands brush together?

why can't i really make eye contact when talking?

why do i end up doing stupid things in front of them?

why can't i ever eat on a date?

why can't i stop smiling?

it's always the exception, whenever you are with them. everything is different. and yet once you leave the bubble of dreamland, the world goes back to being what it was.

people told me that love was magic. it was something that would hit you at the most unexpected moment and life would never be the same since.

an over statement, if you ask me.

love commonly doesn't look very alike what is shown in movies or books.

love starts like a common cold - sudden, unsuspecting.

and that's when the bug strikes.

more often than not, you never realize what you are experiencing because every feeling is driven by unfamiliar territory. the inexperience brings in innocence.

innocence brings in tenderness.

passion is meant to be intense; i have known love to be tender.

people often told me that love drove them to bouts of insanity with just how intense everything felt.

love for me brought comfort and security. it brought me back in touch with a side i hadn't seen in a long time. a child-like rediscovery of what innocence felt like.

life definitely never remained the same since my first love, but it didn't take away from what it was before either.

it only added to it.

and that was its real beauty.


- a sage nostalgic about his first love


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