i n d i g o

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the power of the night sky is one but unparalleled.

it's where you truly feel the buzz of life, the true essence of what your significance in the world is in comparison to everything beyond the horizon, a twinkling glimpse of what we cherish and see.

it's funny how most of us find solace in the dark sky as we let our thoughts come to the fore, no longer beckoned by the needs of the day.

our mind lays bare in front of the universe as we stare above, trying to fathom all the truths we are unaware about but know exist within our very grasp.

it is during moments like these where i feel the most power surge through my veins.

the optic of life is no longer a monochrome of survival, but its hyper-actively driven by intuition.

how would the next day be?

what would she say to me about the conversation we had yesterday?

was my behaviour justified or would it have repercussions to come?

should i have left things at that point?

how much have i grown really in these few years?

is this what i really want for myself?

what do i want for myself?

the mental indulgence often starts with a simple, mundane question. soon after, the questions change shade as rapidly as the sky prior to minutes before dawn, until enlightenment breaks through.

intuition breaks to the fore the deeper i probe into my mind, my gut in complete control of the discussion. there is a strange power in subduing the heart and mind while letting the gut and soul discuss the obvious.

the perceptions change.

the problems change.

a solution appears.

sometimes, peace too.

for many a soul, the night is a serene time to shut away the worries of the world and succumb to the luxury of mindlessness.

but to the dreamer, the third eye is always awake. in quest of its fancy. in search of the spark that sets their soul on fire.

and they always find it under the broken sky, quite matching in the way the weaves of their poetic minds work.

it is then that the surge to dream comes alive, the dream nearly extinguished by reality brought to life.

everything is meaningless in retrospect, perhaps except for what you make of your time here.

that's what keeps the fire going.

that's what kindles the intuitiveness of dreaming.

that's what eventually connects purpose to the universe.

and that's what finally helps the dreamer create a legacy.


- a dreamer most alive under the sky


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