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relationships are not made of a single strand.

there are thousands of strands that are delicately woven, each fabricated of millions of little fragments of trust, emotions and kinship.

it is popularly quoted in hindi folklore that relationships are made of the finest threads - that once the thread snaps, it's never the same. even if you affix it, there's always a knot that remains.

while the thought in itself remains true, relationships are not based on a solo thread snapping. it takes a hundred of them to create the first dent.

whenever a new bond is formed, there's always a matching of energies.

the energies are what given birth to the threads of attachment between two people.

the stronger the energies match, the faster the threads multiply.

in the beginning, there's always assent, there's always harmony, there's even a blend of diplomacy to ensure that even grounds are met.

that affirms the threads to gain stability.

the consent can't persist always. eventually there will be some discord, a dash of tense situations or an unforeseen circumstance that puts those threads to test.

a lot of times, they snap completely for they were never given the chance to grow strongly.

once the thread is broken, most people prefer restating the threads, accepting the knots that may come along.

some people are experienced in smoothing knots. very soon, it's as good as new.

in some cases, the threads grow strong until perhaps a few dozen major events that begin to create snaps. when the first snap happens, the jerk is often harsh and unexpected.

it takes a while to recover.

but energies eventually beckon each other and the bond is reformed. the threads fall together again, albeit with some knots. but the knots can be easily overlooked against the energies brimming.

and then there are some cases where the threads are precarious. the energy is high, almost volatile. the energy is more than capable of breaking the threads itself if overdone. it's an unsustainable energy source in itself, what people loving call "toxic bonds".

in these cases, severing the bond yourself often helps preserve energy because the threads end up looped and broken beyond repair.

in every relationship, it is essential to match energies. to know which threads are worth fighting for and which ones to forgo. which ones need to be nurtured with care and which need to be tended with caution.

every thread is different. bare but beautiful.

no bond is a smooth sailing. it is often believed that it is only when you face discord that your relationship grows stronger. it helps the energies revel in the aura of what is mutually created and naturally replicated.

every bond serves a purpose. every thread in it not unlike the millions of neurons in our body that help us function to a 100% efficiency.

that's what the threads do in a relationship.

and at the end of the day, no matter how much you give, you must always remember that the threads connect back to you.

you take from a person as much as they take from you.

and the more bonds you have, the more you begin to create a blend of several many.

at the end, never forget who you are.

love yourself first.

for what how you see yourself is the energy with which all the threads connect.

and that is the energy you collect for life.


- a page out of the diary of a spiritualist.


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