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I snatched the Quaffle in a matter of seconds from Draco and from there, we had a few rounds of tag with our brooms and the scarlet Quaffle. A few rounds later, knowing we were exhausted, we landed back down onto the green grass.

"So, what's your verdict?" I asked, "Enough to kick that Montague kid off the team?" I added as I sat on the grass and opened my water bottle.

Draco laughed, sitting beside me, immediately running his hands through his hair, pulling his hair back. I could tell that he enjoyed the rounds of tag through his carefree laugher, "For sure. But that's not for me to decide. Flint's captain."

"Wait. You're not captain?" I asked, bewildered.

"No. Of course I am." He deadpanned.

"Of course you are," I retorted sarcastically, "Head prefect, along with Pansy and quidditch captain. Cliché."

"Practice is everyday, from four thirty to six thirty. Don't be late."

"I'll try. Wait, why would you ask me to come here today then?"

"Just checking your skills, in case you really suck."

At that moment, it was between slapping his face or throw the Quaffle at him.

"In my defense, before you hit me with your broom, you came at your own will."

"Close, I was thinking on throwing the quaffle at you." But he was not wrong though, "Seriously though, Draco, why did you ask me here?"

"Just need to take some things off my mind," He replied quietly.

"Why didn't you just ask Crabbe or Goyle or Flint or Zabini?"

"They wouldn't understand."

"How do you know I will?"

"Well, you did come." He pointed out, "With your Firebolt. Tell me, did you receive stares as you try to find the pitch?"

That did not answer my question but I let it go and chuckled, "There wasn't a single person that did not give me weird stares."

Draco smiled softly at me before grabbing my bottle and took a huge sip. I gave him a death stare as he did, "Sorry, I left mine."

I rolled my eyes, "Wanna talk about it?"

"Maybe next time, let's put away our brooms or we're going to be late for dinner." He said as we got up. Draco noticed me uncertainty of leaving my Firebolt in the Slytherin broom locker, "It'll be safe Em, I promise."

Em. That's new. No one has ever called me Em, everyone called me Emme.

"Fine. But you owe me this precious little thing if it's lost."

"Deal," He said, looking down as I was still sitting on the green grass, "Now come on."

We walked to the Slytherin lockers and put our brooms away, "So, how do you find Hogwarts?"

"Since when do you care?"

"Just when no one is around." And his words took me back to Christmas.

I shrugged as we entered the hallway, "Umbridge is a pain in the ass. Other than that, it's alright." I replied, forgetting he's Umbridge's favorite.

He chuckled, "She's fond of me, you know."

"Yeah, because you're a part of that snitching group. What are you supposed to do anyways?"

"Well, I'll tell you if you're joining us."

"I'm good. I didn't realize it's that late."

Draco hummed, "Time flies when you're doing something you enjoy."

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