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All of the people involved the capture of Potter and his friends and their escape agreed not to say anything to the Dark Lord, knowing that we would be under fire if He knew about this. We paid the snatchers extra to keep them quiet, including the Death Eater Fenrir Greyback who was leading the Snatchers. I watched first hand Hermione Granger getting tortured by my own pureblood obsessed aunt, just to get the answers on the location of the missing Sword of Gryffindor, which was apparently in Bellatrix's vault in Gringotts. As Potter escaped, along with Weasley, Lovegood and Thomas, I was forced to fight alongside my mom and my aunt in the skirmish at the manor, without Lucius because he had no wand, and my half-arse effort landed me to being disarmed by Potter, which was what allowed them to escape.

Everyone was in distress when Potter succeeded in escaping our grasps, especially Lucius, who only cared about reviving his name, to earn a spot next to Lord Voldemort once more and being the one who got disarmed first, he took out the failure on me, which wasn't surprising.

"Fuck!" Lucius shouted, kicking a chair across the room and it crashed onto the grey walls.

Mum approached him with the intention of calming him down, knowing what would happen if he doesn't, "Lucius." And Bellatrix Lestrange just stood there, watching my one hell of an enraged father cussing.

Lucius turned to look at me, his grey eyes were clouded with anger, "This wouldn't happen if you're not so bloody weak!" He shouted, deafening any other noise occurring in this manor.

I should be used to his angered words by now, but as much as I did not want to admit it, it still hurt. Heck, I used to look up to him as a kid, until I started to realise how bad of a person he was. That was when I started to defy him, that was when all of his actions started. Sure, I would be boasting about Lucius at school, but that did not necessarily mean that I actually looked up to him.

"You pathetic one hell of a child," He continued, his anger amplifying, "What a bloody disgrace! Can't even fucking recognise that boy! Just bloody recognising!"

I stood there, not saying anything, letting him go on.

"And he fucking disarmed you with ease!" He screamed, "You weak fucking selfish cunt!"

I looked at mum just to see hurt written all over her face. She has never gotten used to this. To Lucius' verbal abuse. Mum couldn't do anything about it either. "Lucius," Was all she said.

"You let that bloody filthy mudblood escape from us!" Lucius went on, as he was now standing in front of me, his hands ready.

"It wouldn't be like this if you had your wand with you." I spat.

"What did you say?"

"I said, it wouldn't be like this if you had your wand with you, cunt." I seethed, both of us were angry, but for very different reasons and what I said was the last straw for him. His ready hands curled into a fist and it went right to my jaw. In an instant, I tasted blood.

"I dare you to say that again," He replied, "You're a bloody disgrace."

"I'd rather be a bloody disgrace rather than being your fucking child." I said, expecting another hit.

Sure, it would be nice if my mum would step in, but I knew that she couldn't. Mum did not have the power. The first and last time she stepped in, she ended up hurt and I couldn't let her get hurt again, hence why I was the one taking the punches. I just wished that Lucius wasn't freed from Azkaban. It would be dumb to hope that Bellatrix would step in, because all that she was doing right now was standing right next to her little sister and that was when I realised, as mental as Bellatrix is, she would always protect her sister if she could, even though she devoted her life to the Dark Lord. That explained why she had not told the Dark Lord the status of Emerald and I's relationship, because she was protecting my mum too without telling, because it pained my mum to see her son hurt.

The expected hit did come, it was harder this time, and Lucius was about to hit again when I caught his arm and mum shouted, "Enough!" She shouted at Lucius.

"You dare to stop me, Narcissa?" Lucius asked, surprised with what she said.

"I said enough, Lucius. My son isn't weak. You are," She stated fiercely, "With or without your bloody wand."

Bellatrix snickered, "Hm. It's an embarrassment to you, isn't it, brother in law?"

That was when I learnt that mum has the power if Bellatrix was with her, no one else, not even her Andromeda Black, her sister who was banished for not marrying a pureblood, the aunt that I have never seen. Narcissa Black has the upper hand when Bellatrix Lestrange is with her. 

"Go to your rooms, you two," Mum said sternly and Lucius and I did not move an inch, "Now!"

"Yes, mum." I mumbled and instead of walking up the stairs that led to my room, I walked to the kitchen, grabbing a pack of ice before apparating to my room, not bothered to walk the flights of stairs.

I landed in my room, just to find Emerald sitting on my bed, her posture was stiff and her eyes widened as she saw me in front of her.

"How long have you been here?" I asked whilst putting the ice on my bruised face, my blood still boiling.

Emerald opened her mouth to say something, but no words were said.

"How much did you hear?" I pressed on.

"Nothing. I just got here."

"You should know better than to lie to me, Em." I said, walking towards her before putting my hands on the bed, trapping her between my arms with the icepack on my right hand.

Emerald sighed, "I apparated here when my mom told my dad that Harry was captured and brought to the manor and that Luna and Dean were imprisoned. I helped them escape. I remembered about the two way mirror you told me about and gave it to them."

I wasn't surprised. I know that with Emerald, at the end of the day, she would do what she thinks is right, not what others think. I wasn't mad either. I was thankful that she did what she did because it postponed the war by a bit. She saved us a bit of time whether she realised it or not. "You're lucky that that mirror is irrelevant in my parents' eyes." I said.

"Thank Merlin, huh?" She replied and turned to look at me, looking at my bruised face and blooded lip. She raised her hand to cup my cheek before saying, "Draco, I didn't know."

"No one knows, Em."

"I'm sorry."

"For what? It isn't your fault."

"You didn't want anyone to know, don't you?" And my eyes immediately looked at hers and before I could asked, she answered my question, "No, I didn't read your mind, I just put two and two together."

Then it was my turn to sigh, "I guess you could say I had it coming. I used to look up to him, ya know? Then I just snapped. I saw him for what he really is."

Without any words, Emerald pulled my arms, making us fall onto my bed and hugged me, as if she heard the hurt in my voice that I was trying to hide. I let go of the ice pack and hugged her back, "We'll get out of this mess when it's over."

I kissed her head and hugged her tighter, needing reassurance. For a moment, we stayed still before she let go.

"Let's fix you up." She said, sitting up and I nodded. Emerald put her palm softly on my throbbing face and healed it, performing another wandless and nonverbal spell. The throbbing stopped at once.

"Thanks, Em."

"You feeling okay?"

"It's nothing new. Could've been worse." I replied with a shrug, if mum hadn't interfered, Lucius would kept on going. I placed a kissed on her soft lips, "I love you, Em."

"I love you too, Draco." A weak smile formed on her face and she looked at the time, "I need to go before my parents look for me."

I nodded, fully understanding her, "I'll see you tonight."

"I'll be counting on it." And she disapparated, black smoke integrated in my room.

I laid down on my bed, exhausted.

No one was supposed to know.

a/n okay but 1K reads? YAAAAAALLL THANK YOUUUU

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