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"Em," Draco said, "Em, wake up. We need to get ready." 

I half-opened my eyes, revealing the one and only blonde haired boy beside me. I sat up, rubbing both of my eyes, making phosphenes appear before stretching, "Good morning to you too, Malfoy."

He placed a kiss on my both my eyes and then on my lips, "Morning, Em. I gotta go now. I'll see you at the manor." And he got up, taking his black tee that he threw on the floor last night. 

I groaned, "Would skip today if I could."

"You mean replay last night." He teased and I could feel myself blushing, "You might want to cover your neck for today. Not that I don't want to see my work of art, but you know."

I rolled my eyes as he said work of art, "See you, Draco." I said before he apparated back to Malfoy Manor. 

I looked at the time, I had exactly an hour to get ready, to look presentable for the Dark Lord. I headed for the shower and that was when I saw Draco's 'work of art'. I groaned once more, not up for today but then smiled when last night came into my mind before I had a quick cold shower to freshen up. I changed into a black turtleneck which covered all the hickeys Draco gave me last night. Then I slipped into an acid washed black culotte jeans and black hightop sneakers, making the look casually formal. I straightened my messy dark brown hair and completed the look with chunky silver rings on my fingers. Lastly, I took my wand, specially made by Ollivander on my first visit to London, before my first year in Ilvermorny, slipped it into  the pocket of my jeans and walked out of my room. I went down stairs, where my dad was already waiting at the dining table with a cup of coffee, reading the newspaper. 

"Morning, dad." I greeted.

"Morning, kid." He replied, "Coffee's on the table."

I nodded and went to the kitchen, taking a cup for my coffee and poured a bit of sugar on it. I sat across him and poured my drink while dad went back to reading his newspaper, no other words were said as we both waited for mom. Our house elf wasn't anywhere to be found, meaning that he had cleaned everything in this house for today and would be cleaning our rooms when we leave for the meeting. I expected mom to be late as she usually is, which explains where my tardiness comes from, but she proved me wrong. With five minutes left, mom entered the room, also wearing an all black attire, the dress code for Death Eaters. 

"Emerald, you're already ready." She said, surprised.

I had Draco to thank for that, "Well, it is an important meeting." I replied, saying what my parents wanted to hear. 

Dad lowered his newspaper and smiled proudly at me and so did mom before she also went to the kitchen to grab a cup for her coffee, chugging it down before the three of us apparated to Malfoy Manor with two minutes to spare. Not everyone was there yet when we came. Everything there seemed darker that what it used to be. The Malfoys were already sitting on their spots and we sat across them. Draco eyed at me with hungrily, telling me that he wanted more of yesterday and I smirked as I sat across him, knowing that we couldn't do much right now. The rest of us apparated just in time. There were twenty four of us and we were only missing Snape and the Dark Lord himself entered the room and the air shifted. We were all silent as we waited for the Dark Lord to speak. 

Behind him, a body of a woman was hovering in the air, following him to the table, revealing to be our Muggle Studies professor, Charity Burbage and my stomach churned. 

If this is an honour, why does it feel so wrong?

 We sat there quietly and Snape entered, wearing his usual all black attire with his cloak and the Dark Lord looked at him with a smile on his face. 

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