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He told us where the diadem was located, but he also told us that the Room of Requirement is different to each of us, meaning that Potter would be trying to get in, but he would not be able to. Emerald, Crabbe and I waited on the sixth floor, as we watched barrier spells being casted by the professors of Hogwarts in order to protect the school through the windows of the sixth floor. Crabbe, as quiet as he is, knew that Emerald and I were Death Eater since the year we got initiated. He just did not say anything about it. I wasn't surprised when he told me, as his father was one of the main twenty four. Well, main twelve now.

From afar, we could see the Dark Lord and His followers, just at the other side of the bridge, raising their wands and without anymore minutes wasted, they blasted attacks through their wands, sending balls of blue-green light. As the balls of light hit the barrier that was just made, the walls rumbled once more. Hogwarts was officially under attack. The was has started. The barrier stood still, only to receive more and more balls of light from the other side.

Abruptly, a huge blast of light hit the invisible barrier, breaking it once and for all, letting the rest of the attack enter the school as it rumbled further. Slowly but surely, the barrier was caught on fire, looking like a burning planet. And there it was, the war started.

Death Eaters rushed into Hogwarts, shouting, attacking everyone in an instant while the three of us watched from above. Every dark creature I could've ever thought of attacked one another, accompanied by the green lights from 'avada kedavra' from both sides. In a matter of minutes, parts of Hogwarts was on fire. Even from the sixth floor, we could hear the screams from students, they were scared and so were we.

Potter arrived in front of the Room of Requirement, standing alone as the door formed. Emerald immediately performed the Disillusionment charm on us, allowing the three of us to go near them without being caught.

We walked over towards him, as he entered the room and Emerald looked at me, realising that the Dark Lord was wrong. Anyone could enter the room. The room itself was huge, filled with a lot of crap that people hid across the years. We had no idea what the diadem looked like. Neither of us wanted to do this, stalking Potter to deliver him to the Dark Lord. Not Emerald and I for sure, not too sure about Crabbe, he always kept things to himself.

"Looking for the diadem, Potter?" Crabbe asked as Potter opened the box where the raven shaped diadem was hidden.

The Disillusionment charm wore off as Crabbe spoke and Potter turned to look at us, who were ready with our wands aimed at him.

"Why didn't you tell her?" Potter asked, breaking the tension, "Bellatrix." And I knew that he was talking about the day that the snatchers caught him. I knew that it was Potter under the stinging charm. I could easily tell Bellatrix that day. But I didn't. Why? I wasn't too sure myself. Maybe it was because I wanted Potter to defeat the Dark Lord so we could be free of Him. A bit selfish, I know, but I also knew that if I told my aunt that day, Voldemort would kill him and attack every thing that was in his way, "You knew it was me. But you didn't say anything."

I didn't know what to say and Crabbe didn't know what happened.

"Go on, Malfoy. Don't be a prat," Crabbe whispered furiously on my ear, "Do it."

Potter reached for his wand on his pocket.

"Easy." I said and from the side, Hermione disarmed me, catching me off guard.

In an instant, I ran backwards, reaching back for my wand, so did Emerald while Crabbe started to bring every mountain of junk in the room down. It was just a matter of blasts until he wrecks the room.

"Crabbe! You're going to leave us trapped inside!" I shouted at him as I grabbed my wand.

Crabbe stopped, but he wasn't done with his spells.

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