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The Dark Lord held another meeting after hearing that He and the others failed to kill Harry Potter when the Order of the Phoenix were moving Potter out of his Muggle house in Little Whinging. As much as I hate to admit it, I was glad that Potter's alive. Emerald's parents were in on the attack that night, leaving Em worried even though she doesn't want to admit it. Lucius was asked to sit that night out, knowing that Voldemort had his wand. It was still unsure if Emerald and I are going back to Hogwarts for our seventh year. At this point, I'd rather be at Hogwarts, with Snape as the Headmaster instead of being at the Manor. Everyone was there at the table once more, waiting for the Dark Lord to enter and Emerald sat across me, the two dozen of us wearing all black attire as if it's the Death Eater uniform, though it does reflects us.

The Dark Lord entered with Nagini behind him, silencing the air even more. He sat down on the seat where Lucius usually sits, "Do anyone wants to explain how we failed last night?" He asked, angered.

"Our source didn't tell us about the seven Potters, my Lord." Snape replied as the others were silent.

"And Mad Eye Moody is dead." Bellatrix added.

A smile formed on Lord Voldemort's face, if that was even possible, "Ah, yes. One of the members of the Order down. Where will the boy go from there?"

"There are no words spoken around the Ministry since last night, my Lord." Pius answered.

The Dark Lord's expression changes within a second, "Then search and listen harder, Pius."

Pius looked down, his sneaky looking face wasn't shown anymore, "Yes, my Lord."

"Lucius, where is Ollivander located?"

"He's still in Diagon Alley, my Lord." Lucius answered. 

"Good. You and I will take Ollivander tonight," the Lord said, "Since the rest of you are clearly incapable of abducting someone." 

Lucius nodded subtly yet victoriously, always thinking of restoring our family name and his position as a Death Eater. 

"As for Emerald and Draco, you two are going back to Hogwarts for the seventh year. We would like to have ourselves among students."

A wave of relief crashed over me, I would be out of the manor soon enough.

"Yes, my Lord." Emerald and I said at the same time.

"Alecto, I believe that Snape has informed you with your new position at Hogwarts?"

"Yes, he has."

"Good. Now the rest of you, inform all snatchers that there would be a reward for anyone who catches the boy and his friends."

Everyone answered Him and we were dismissed. Everyone apparating and I sent Emerald a small nod, telling her that I'll be apparating to her room tonight as usual before she apparated back to her house. Seventh year was starting in a week and I was counting on it, not able to handle staying at this so called home anymore. I got up from my seat, exiting the dining hall and went up to my room, immediately packing for Hogwarts.


Platform 9 3/4 was busy, filled with students of Hogwarts. Emerald was nowhere to be found and the train was departing soon. I was adamant on waiting near the entrance to the platform while Crabbe, Goyle, Zabini and Parkinson were already inside, saving two seats for Emerald and I. Emerald entered the platform, wearing a fitting black cropped top, ripped boyfriend jeans and a black jacket with a hood, not forgetting her brown trunk with her and the train hooted.

"Oh hey, you waited." She said and I rolled my eyes, the both of us rushing to a random carriage of the Hogwarts express. 

"Shouldn't have packed last minute, Edwards." I snickered as we entered the closest carriage to us, searching for the others and I took her trunk, being the gentleman that I am. 

"Well, I wouldn't be if you did not come over last night." She argued, blush creeping up her cheeks, too shy to said what she wanted to say. 

"You weren't complaining last night, though," I replied with a smirk, looking over my shoulder as Em was walking behind me, "The words that you said last night said otherwise."

"Oh shut it, Malfoy." 

"Too shy to admit that you enjoyed last night?" 

"Last night was more than great," She answered at once, showing that she wasn't shy, "I just don't think anyone would like to hear our conversation."

"If you say so, Em." And we entered the carriage. 

Zabini was seating at the furthest right of the seat, making it clear that the vacant seats were for Emerald and I while Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson sat on the other end. Zabini stood up as he saw us, letting us in.

"Hello, Edwards." He greeted.

"Hello to you too, Zabini. How's your holidays?"

"They're alright. Yours?"

"Not as bad as I thought it would be," Emerald answered, shrugging as she took the seat closest to window, across Pansy, "Crabbe. Goyle. Pansy." She greeted and they all nodded at her. 

"I heard that Snape is now headmaster," Crabbe said. 

"That's what I heard too." Pansy added.

"Well, surely Slytherin win the house points this year then." Zabini said.

If we would even reach the end of this school year. 

I wasn't sure if they know that two Death Eaters are taking over Hogwarts' vacant positions in Defence Against the Dark Arts and Muggle Studies. It should be relieving, having a few of our own with us, along with the Headmaster. I had no idea what was going to happen, as we are travelling to Hogwarts right now, Voldemort was searching for Dumbledore's wand, which theoretically, if Emerald is right, it belonged to me and we both had no clue who the Dark Lord suspected on disarming Dumbledore. Emerald wanted to try to read His mind, searching for answers. I told her that was too risky, we couldn't afford making a mistake right now. The Dark Lord would sense this and it would raise suspicions. No one else knew about our relationship besides my mum, Emerald's parents and Snape. With the Carrows around, Emerald and I needed to be careful around them but we both know deep down that the cat would be let out of the bag. The news of Voldemort was searching for the Elder Wand was circling around and all that I can hope is that the Dark Lord would not realise that I was the one who disarmed Dumbledore and that Snape kept his end of the Unbreakable Vow. 

Little conversations were said during the ride, with none of us knew how our last year was going to be like, everything was changing, the skies of Scotland was darker than ever before, with everyone scared of the Dark Lord's return and what and who he was going to target next. Everyone were being so careful, fearing that there would be a Death Eater among them as anyone could be one. I didn't know all of them, the Dark Lord only ever summoned the main two dozen of His followers, the one he couldn't build an army without, including Emerald and I. 

I looked over to Emerald, not bothering to join in the conversation. The dark circles under her eyes explained everything, she was tired, knowing that she packed everything in the morning. I wouldn't be surprised that she left something at home. I could tell that she was going to fall asleep soon and so I put my arm around her, pulling her close and she leaned onto my shoulder while giving Pansy the middle finger in a not-so-subtle manner and I tried my best to hide my smirk. 

"You two still going to tell me that you guys are just close friends?" Zabini asked, telling me that he had moved on from any feelings or interest that he had for Emerald. 

"As I have said, it's none of your business, Zabini," I replied and I could sense Zabini wanting to roll his eyes at me, "Yes, we're dating, you git."

Emerald looked up to me and all that I could think of was how beautiful she is and how everything would change when the train stops. 

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