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Still under the Imperius Curse, we ordered Madam Rosmerta to give Professor Slughorn a bottle of mead to give it to Dumbledore. Days passed and there were no news regarding the mead, nor about anyone dying and it was killing us. Draco couldn't concentrate in any of his classes, not even during quidditch practice. It was affecting him more than it affected me, knowing that his mother and his family name was at stake.

We sat down in front of the fireplace, tired after our efforts on fixing the cabinet. Everyone else was asleep and we sat in silence, watching the fire cacklin while it was giving its warmth to us. It was evident that he was stressing out. Katie Bell was still treated at St. Mungo's until who knows when. Draco had his arms around me as I leaned onto his shoulder, taking everything in and he combed his pale fingers through my hair. It wouldn't take long for Harry and his friends to realize that it was our doing when the mead was delivered to Dumbledore. Harry already suspected Draco for what happened to Katie Bell. He even went to such lengths to tell Professor McGonagall. Luckily, there wasn't any proof that ties back to us as we made sure that it was Madam Rosmerta that did the deed. Guilt was eating us both alive by every second and Draco couldn't afford to fail, knowing that the Dark Lord will kill him and his parents. As much as Draco despises his father, he needed to succeed for his mom. Even though the Dark Lord made it clear that I was to kill Dumbledore if Draco fails, I could not not help Draco. I could not afford to lose him. Time passed and the fire was dying down, Draco stood up to put more firewood and told me that he's going to the bathroom. Few moments later, Draco still had not come back. Too long for someone who was just going to the bathroom. I decided to check on the men's bathroom in the common room and he wasn't there.

Where is he? I didn't hear him leaving.

I walked up the stone stairs and opened the door, causing the portrait to wake up and curse at me. I closed the door quietly and walked down the dark hallways of Hogwarts. Then, something that Moaning Myrtle told me a few days back came into my mind.

"He's been very sad lately, Emerald." She said and I rushed to the second floor, where Myrtle usually hangs, heading to the boys bathroom when I heard Harry's voice, "Sectumsempra!"

Never hearing that spell before, I ran as fast as I could to the black marbled bathroom. When I arrived, I saw Harry standing over Draco who was coughing. I took a few steps closer quietly, trying to be as quiet as I could as my feet walked on water and I saw him bleeding.

"D-Draco?" I called and rushed towards him, kneeling, "Draco! Wake up!"

I cupped his face and stroked his hair, "Draco! Wake up!"

I saw tears falling down on his face as he kept on coughing, not moving.

"Draco, wake up! Please!"

I quickly checked his pulse and it was depleting. Harry was still there, standing over us, looking down at the both of us.

I quickly stood up, "What the fuck did you do, Potter?!" I asked furiously.


Before he could say anything else, I pulled out my wand and threw a nonverbal spell at Harry but he dodged it on time. Blinded by anger and frustration, I threw more spells that I learnt from Bellatrix Lestrange, duelling Harry on the spot.

"What the fuck did you do to him, Potter?!" I shouted as I threw him another spell that hit the mirrors, causing them to shatter, "If he fucking dies, I will kill you myself!"

Harry threw a spell at me, a blast of light green lights came from his wand, "He almost killed Ron!" And I ducked just in time, missing his spell by an inch, causing it to hit the porcelain white sink as it cracked for the last time and I took this as a chance to shoot more spells at him as he walked backwards, towards the exit.

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