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I was stuck in the manor the whole term break, serving the Dark Lord and his missions. Emerald went back to New York City for the holidays, serving Him from another continent but she would apparate into my room some nights as I made her promise that she would. We would just hang in my room, talking and kissing and our parents weren't aware of it until Anna apparated here one night, telling my mum that Emerald wasn't in her room and that she was a bit worried because Emerald didn't mention about going somewhere to her. With that, mum knocked on the door.

"Draco, Anna's here. Please come down." She said and Emerald jolted out of my embrace.

"My mun's here?" She whispered.

"Are you deaf, Edwards?" I asked.

Emerald rolled her eyes, "I need to go downstairs."

I nodded and we walked down the stairs, towards the living room where our muns are.

"I'm here, mum," Emerald said in an awkward manner, forgetting that we were still holding hands.

Both our mothers turned to look at us, trying their best to hide their surprise and Anna let out a breath of relief, "Well, that explains it. You could've told me sooner." Anna said.

"What difference would it make?" Emerald challenged, knowing she was right. Before her mother had the chance to reply, Bellatrix stepped in.

"Well isn't this cute," She stated and took a seat next to mum, "Helo, Anna."

"Bellatrix," Anna replied, acknowledging Bellatrix's presence.

"We'll just go back upstairs," Emerald said with a fake smile plastered onto her face, telling her mum that she was annoyed with her comment on us, "Mum, I'm fully capable to apparate back."

Anna nodded in defeat and the two of us walked out of the living room, hiding our shock and we both ran up the stairs, back to my room.

"That was," Emerald started, catching her breath as we both slammed the door close.

"Unexpected?" I asked.

"Yeah. That." And we broke into a series of laughter as we went back to my bed.

"Now, where were we?" I asked, receiving a smirk from her.

"No idea." She replied.

Not wasting any more time, I leaned in, my lips touching her soft, plump ones.


Parkinson and Blaise were already in the carriage when I arrived, only Emerald wasn't here.

"Where's Em?" I asked as I sat down across Pansy and Blaise, leaving a vacant space for Emerald.

"Late, as usual." Parkinson replied, trying her best to hide the fact that she disliked Emerald.

"Actually, I'm here, just a few seconds later than Malfoy. That's a record." Emerald said as she slid to sit next to me.

I took time to let my view sink in. Her hair was then fully dark brown, she was a brunette once more. The only time I saw her natural hair color was the three years of the Christmas dinners at the manor. We never talked, just smiled and acknowledged each other's presence. But that changed last Christmas. Her brown hair made her green eyes stand out more and her eyebrow slit was still there. Like the rest of us, she was dressed in all black. Cropped black fitting long sleeve tee, black trackpants with a neon green string and black combat boots.

"It is." Zabini replied, "How's your summer, Edwards?"

"Good actually," She replied and gave me a wink while she reached for my hand under the table and I could feel my cheeks getting warm.

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