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We were already on our second week of OWLs, consisting of Defence Against the Dark Arts, Divination, Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes, Astronomy and Arithmancy. Everyone was stressing out as the results would tell if we are good enough to continue the subject in the next year. Instead of just going to the Astronomy Tower every Friday, Draco and I went there every night to study until one of us is ready to sleep. We would meet in the common room at eight sharp, showing up in casual clothing, though I admit that I would be a few minutes late every time. With the power that Umbridge had as Headmistress, she had been putting up a ton more of educational decrees as she ruled over our Hogwarts. As much as I hate to say it, Draco had become one of my closest friend, even though I would get annoyed with him teasing people. There would be times where Draco and I would just be staring into each other's eyes and I would wait for him to make a move but he would back off. Or the times where he slips us and gave me a genuine, wholesome compliment, something that he would never do in front of everyone else or to anyone else, really. It was so clear to me that his facade was killing him inside. He never wanted to act like that, calling people by offensive names and all that. I could understand where his coming from honestly. With both my mom and dad being two successful actors in both the No-Maj and the wizarding world and being Death Eaters, the pressure was on me too. The pressure to excel in DADA and to be successful was real, although it was not as intense as Lucius and Narcissa to Draco on his life. And of course, me spending time with him pissed Pansy off, but I managed to put her in her place.

I was making my way to Transfiguration, a class taught by Professor McGonagall, when I overheard a brilliant conversation.

"So, we're going to set off all of our Wildfire Whiz-bangs when Ron is doing his Astronomy OWLs." Someone said around the corner and I tiptoed, leaning against the wall, making sure that they couldn't see me from the corner.

"We'll need our brooms ready," The other person said and I immediately figured out who it was. Fred and George Weasley, Ron's brothers.

"That's easy. We set it all at the last minute of the exam. We need someone to signal us, though." Fred said.

"Ron? But he'll tell Hermione and Harry. We need someone who Umbridge wouldn't suspect." George replied.

Without thinking I came out of the corner, revealing myself, "I could do it."

The twins immediately looked at me, "You?" They both asked, lacing their word with mockery.

"You said it yourself, you need someone that Umbridge wouldn't suspect. I'm a Slytherin. And for the record, I did not tell on you guys to the Inquisitorial Squad. Use Veritaserum on me if you'd like."

"How do we know that you can be trusted on this one?" Fred questioned.

"I think we both know that my hate for Umbridge is bigger than house rivalries. I could send you the signal, I'm skilled on non-verbal spells. I can unlock the door to the exam room."

"Huh, she thinks it through, Fred." George stated, impressed.

"Well, we would need proof that you are skilled in nonverbal spells."

I took out my wand, "Levicorpus."

And Fred was hovering midair, upside down and I smirked, proving my point to the twins.

"Alright, you can put me back now, Edwards."


Fred was then back onto the ground, upside down no more.

"We'll give you the lock the night before your Astronomy exam."

"Can you guys do it during the last exam? Arithmancy?" I asked, pleading, "I need a good score on my Astronomy. I'll owe you guys one."

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