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A/n: Hey guys, if you're reading this, I don't know if you know how much it means to me, but I would really really appreciate it if you voted on this chapter or any of them! It only takes a second and it would make my day. Ok now back to the story.


a/n 2: ok listen guys i wrote this in like 2020 back when i was a huge asgore simp. uh btw im a boy now lol. this is so cringe but its like one of the only asgore x reader fics out there so im keeping it up so all you touch starved 12 year olds can enjoy it lmao. ok now back to the story for real lol


You sat on your dear Gorey's lap, soaking in the warmth from the fire. His big strong arms held you close to him, and nothing could make this moment better. Your three goat children, Cora, Sage, and Aster, romped around the house, but true to their father's calm, gentle nature, the triplets somehow hadn't broken anything in their four years of life.

You recalled how you got here, for Asgore's motto was always 'Forgive, but never forget,' which you had adapted over the fifteen years you'd been with him. It was a long story, a story of love and heartbreak, friendship and betrayal, comedy and tragedy. But hey, there's no harm in telling yourself a story that only one other person knows.

--+>October 17, 2022<+--

You were walking home from high school. Everything was perfect. You had only A and B grades, the perfect group of friends, an awesome boyfriend named Rocky, and a good home life. Nothing could go wrong.


You decided to stop by Rocky's house on the way home to see if he wanted to stop by Starbucks for coffee. You approached the door and knocked twice. He opened the door.

"Hi!" you said and hugged him.

Rocky awkwardly returned the hug. He didn't say anything.

"You wanna go get coffee at Starbucks?" you said and took your arms off him.

He was frowning. "Um, sure. You should drop off your backpack at home first," he said.

You nodded. "Yeah! I'll be right back," you said. "Wait. What's wrong?"

Rocky closed the door without saying bye. You shrugged and started running home.


You opened the door and set your backpack down on the floor next to the shoe rack. "Hi, guys!" you said. It looked like only your mother and your dog, Ginger, were there. "Where is everyone?"

"Your dad's at work. I don't know where Midas is."

Just as your mother said that, you heard a soft purring from behind you and something batted at your hair. "Oh hi, kitty!" you squeaked and picked Midas, your cat, up. "I'm just gonna be at Starbucks with Rocky if you need me. See you in a bit!" you told her and put the kitten down, but not before petting behind his ears.

"Bye, honey. Be back for dinner," your mother said as you walked out the door.

You walked up to Rocky's front door. Rocky opened it before you could knock. "Ready?" he asked. You nodded. "I'll drive."


You sat down at the table. "I'll order. What would you like today?" you said. Rocky shrugged. "Just a mocha latte. I don't know; I wasn't planning to go to Starbucks." he said.

You approached the counter. "Two mocha lattes, please." you said. The cashier said something to the other guy behind the counter. You turned around and sat down with Rocky. Rocky looked like he wanted to tell you something but couldn't bear to.

"What's wrong, babe?" you asked.

"I'll tell you in a minute," he said. He looked like he was texting someone.

You turned around to see if the lattes were ready yet. "Uhh. I have your coffee. It's my first day on the job and I don't know what to say," the cashier said awkwardly.

"It's fine. Have a nice first day!" you said, took the coffees, and paid the cashier, leaving a large tip for the poor guy.

You took a seat next to Rocky, handing him his mocha latte. "What is it you wanted to tell me?" you asked.

Rocky sighed. He took a sip of his latte.

"Come on! Tell me already, ya noob!" you said and playfully shoved him. His eyes stayed dark.

He took a breath. "There's another girl who wants to date me and she's cuter and treats me better. She's a good person and I don't want to cheat on her." He chewed on his lip.

It felt like your heart had been chewed on. Tears were brimming at your eyes. You were in love with him. He probably never loved you back though; you'd heard and ignored the rumours that he used people, sucked them dry of their sanity and their personalities, what made them people, and cast the shells of people to the four winds to fall through the cracks and be forgotten.

You didn't know what to do or say, so you ran. Ran from yourself. Ran from the snickering students all staring at you. Ran from heartbreak, from everything. You didn't know where you were going, but before you knew it, you were collapsed in the flower fields where nobody went, in a puddle of heartache and sorrow. What should I do next? Everyone's gonna hate me now 'cause I cried in front of them. I'm socially screwed.

Through the whispering of the wind and the sound of your own sobbing, you heard a deep and resonant, yet gentle and soft voice, almost as if the flowers had had a voice.

"Are you okay, young human?"

Bravetale Book 1: A King's Love (Asgore X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now