The King's Kindness

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You lay down on Asgore's couch. Birds chirped outside. Your head hurt from the incident. "I will be right there. I am getting the first aid kit." Asgore reassured you. A moment later, he walked into the living room holding a metal first aid kit with a red cross on the front. He sat next to you. "Please hold still. I would not want to accidentally cut you.lz" he said.

Asgore pulled some tweezers out of the metal box and carefully removed all the glass and pebbles from your cuts. You held still all right, but it wasn't because he was taking the glass shards out. You were too busy gazing into the depths of his twilight blue orbs. You had no idea if he noticed.

Before you knew it, Asgore was done removing the pebbles. He picked up a gauze pad. "You are very brave, young human. I am just going to clean the cuts now, if that is okay with you." You nodded, telling him you were comfortable with it.

"This might sting a bit." He started to clean the cuts with the gauze. It stung a lot. You whimpered like a wounded puppy. "It stings more than a bit," you said painedly.

Asgore stopped. "Here, you can squeeze this pillow. It might make the pain more bearable." He handed you a pillow.

You hugged Asgore's other arm instead. He chuckled. "I get it. My fur is softer than the pillow." he said and smiled.

"I mean, t-that's kind of it, but... nevermind," you said and let go of Asgore's arm. "I-I don't wanna get an infection from these cuts... carry on, sorry."

Asgore shrugged and continued to clean your wounds.

--+>5 minutes later<+--

You couldn't help but stare at Asgore's sweet face the whole time he was fixing your wounds. He wrapped a bandage around the last of the cuts. "There."

Your stupid fangirl heart was racing. "Uhh, Mr. Asgore, may I- uhh, do you have anything I could drink?" you mumbled. You're not sure if the stuttering was from the beating the bullies had given you, or if it was Asgore's adorable face.

"I have water, milk, or tea. The tea will take a bit more time to prepare. Which one would you like?" Asgore asked.

"Tea," you managed to say. You just met him, you idiot. Get your stuff together and stop crushing on random goats centuries older than you, you scolded yourself.

Asgore walked into the kitchen and started brewing the tea. "You do not have to call me Mr. Asgore. I prefer just Asgore." he said kindly.

"I know. I-I was just trying to be respectful." You sat up on the couch.

A few minutes later, Asgore came back holding two cups of tea. "Y/n, I must ask - why is it that you trust me so?" He sat beside you and handed you the smaller cup.

"I don't know. Maybe it's just- maybe it's just me."

Asgore raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, young human?"

"I mean, well, I, uhh..." You trailed off as Asgore shifted his gaze from the tea to you. Your palms were sweaty and your heart felt like it was in your throat. You felt nervous, but in a good way. "I... forgot what I was going to say." You giggled, trying to pass it off as forgetfulness.

Asgore laughed. "That happens to me all the time. It is okay, Y/n." He looked at the clock. 6:30. "You should probably get going before your parents worry about where you are."

"Ehh, my parents don't give half a rat's ass about where I am. I'll graduate high school in four months, and then I'll be a grown up, and then I'll be free of their stupid rules that they only enforce when it's worth punishing me for. I never wanna see those punks again after that."

Asgore said, "It is not respectful to talk about them like that. I am sure they truly love and care about you deep inside."

"If they do, they haven't been showing it lately."

"They might just be busy. You should talk to them."

"Maybe. But it's like, as soon as I come home, nobody wants to talk to me. That's how it's been the past few days."

Asgore started writing something down on a scrap of paper. "If you ever, you know, want to talk to me, if you feel lonely at home... here's my number." He handed you the paper. It had his number on it.

You pocketed the scrap. "T-Thanks, Asgore! Well, you're right, I should get home, m-my parents might ground me if I'm late for dinner. I'll be going now. I'll call you tomorrow, I guess. Or after dinner... B-Bye!"

You got up and opened the door. Another goat monster was standing there. This one was a bit shorter than Asgore, albeit missing the silky golden mane, dark red eyes instead of twilight blue ones, and shorter horns. She was wearing a purple dress.

"I need to speak to Asgore Dreemurr now."

Bravetale Book 1: A King's Love (Asgore X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now