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Birds were singing. Flowers were blooming. It was a beautiful day outside. The usual crowd of kids walking to school passed you. You walked down the street with your head up. Kids muttered as you passed them. "That's the weird kid who was forced to admit she met a cute monster after school."

"I wonder what he looked like?"

"She was also forced to show one of her drawings of him. He was cute, all right."

"I heard he used to be the King of the Underground."

You kept a smile on your face and tried not to look like the weird kid they thought you were. Someday they'll all forget about this, you told yourself.

You walked into the homeroom and sat down at your desk, the same as every day. But for some strange reason, you couldn't take your mind off Asgore: your little secret, your midnight crush, the only one who understood how Rocky had broken you. You tried to clear your head and focus on school, but still his face lingered in your mind.


At recess, you approached one of your friends, F/n. She was sitting on a cement wall at the edge of the blacktop. She was reading Hidden, a book you'd recently heard about. "Hi, F/n. What's that book about?" you asked.

"It's about this puppy whose owners dump her on the side of a freeway because she's born missing a paw, and she gets raised by wolves," she said. "It's really sad but also really sweet. I won't spoil it for you."

"Sounds cool. Where'd you get it?"

"The school library. They have two copies and I have one of them."

"Be right back." You ran to the library. There was some freshman sitting outside. You pushed open the door and walked inside.

"Hey, is the other copy of Hidden here-" You saw Katie, the popular girl, approaching the library checkout counter. She was holding the other copy.

"I'll take this one." she said and set it on the counter.

"Hey, can I check that one out? My friend is reading it and I want to read it with her." you said politely.

"Fine. But if it's not back in a week, you're going to regret it." She handed you the book. You brushed off her empty threat and checked out the book, running back to F/n.

"I have the other copy now." You sat on the concrete wall next to her.

"Okay. I'll leave you to read it and we can discuss it tomorrow. Have a good one!"

"Bye!" You walked away and sat under a tree to read Hidden.


Later that day, after 8th period had ended, you were walking home when you ran into F/n. "Oh, hey, F/n. I was reading Hidden earlier. You were right, it's really sad but also really sweet." you said.

"Hi, Y/n!" she chirped. "Did you get to the part where Alpha (the leader of the foxes) gets captured by humans and put down?"

"Aw, come on! No, I got to the part where they're all hiding from the humans. Thanks a lot for spoiling it for me. Alpha is, or well, was, my favorite character. I'm going home."

You walked home, refusing to talk to anyone else on the way there. Damn it F/n, can I just read a book without being given spoilers?

A few minutes later, you got home. Nobody else was home, so you watched YouTube videos until it was dinnertime. Still nobody was home, so you made your own dinner. It ended up being too much for you to finish on your own, so after you ate your fill, you gave the rest to Ginger and went to bed.

Bravetale Book 1: A King's Love (Asgore X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now