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Beep. Beep. Beep. The beeping of the hotel alarm clock broke the early morning silence. You blinked a few times and smacked the side table aimlessly, somehow hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock. "Hhnghhhff," you mumbled and sat up in bed and stretched, wondering why Asgore was in your hotel room, and then you remembered the previous night. Oh. Right. "Asgore? You awake?" You got out of bed and stumbled a bit before holding onto the bed frame. Asgore then yawned like some kind of sleepy lion.

"Oof... yes, I am awake." he said. Butterscotch trotted in through the open door and sat on the bed. Asgore petted his tiny head. You put on some clothes from the suitcase by the bed. Someone texted Asgore. He picked up the phone. "Y/n? I need to tell you something."

You picked up the hairbrush and went to the bathroom to brush your hair. "What is it, Gorey?"

"I am here with the rest of the Dreemurr family, and we are driving back home today. Would you like to come with us, or are you going somewhere else?"

"Well, of course! I don't wanna lose you again. Where are you guys going?"

"We live in Sable Creek (Town near Oakdale.), so we intend to go there now."

"Alright, then I guess I'm going there. Wherever you go, I'll follow." You finished brushing your hair. You walked over to the suitcase and put on a white hoodie.

"May I ask how you got here?" Asgore put Butterscotch down and stood up.

"I flew here from Oakdale. Since I'm going with you, all I have to do is return the rental car, and then I'll be on my way, I guess."

"Is everything okay?" Asgore opened the door, holding it open for you. Butterscotch stayed on the bed like a good boy.

"Oh, I told F/n that I'd be back in a week. We're still best friends after all these years." You walked through the doorway and followed Asgore down the hall. "She's my only friend in Oakdale."

"Well, then it will be easier to explain to everyone."

"Yeah... Yeah! Wait, isn't Sable Creek only ten miles away from Oakdale?"

When you mentioned this, Asgore's eyes lit up. "Yes! We can visit each other as much as we want!" He pressed the button to summon the elevator.

You stepped into the elevator as the doors opened. "We lucked out." You picked up your phone and called F/n.

"Hey, F/n!"

"Hai, Y/n!"

"So, you know Sable Creek? Suburban town about ten miles from Oakdale?"


"And you know Asgore?"

"The cute, kind goat guy that you dated senior year of high school?"

"Yeah, him. I found him again yesterday. I just found out that he lives in Sable Creek."

"Sooooo, are you guys seeing each other again or what?"

You turned to Asgore. "Are we dating now?" He nodded. "Yup."

"K, cool. So are you coming home later?"

"I'm going on a road trip with Asgore and his family back to Sable Creek."

"So his fam lives there too?"

"Yeah. Anyways, see you in, like, a few days or whatever."


You hung up. You and Asgore both turned to face each other at the same time. "I was texting Undyne. We agreed that we would meet here at noon," he said.

Bravetale Book 1: A King's Love (Asgore X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now