Closer to You

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The stars shone overhead. Wind blew through the treetops and into the open car windows. Cars whizzed by on the highway below the overpass, fewer than during the day, considering it was almost four in the morning. You and Asgore laughed. "He did not suspect a thing! We got away!" Asgore said, pulling over on the side of the overpass. "I know, right? They're pretty easy to escape from." you said, reaching for the burger bag. Asgore handed you the sourdough burger and took a bite of his own. "I am still wondering, why did you go to all that trouble just to watch a movie and get McDonald's with me? We barely know each other." Asgore said.

You looked adoringly at him. "Come on, ya big sweet ball of fluff. Stop denying it; we have feelings for each other."

Asgore looked shyly at his paws. "I knew that before. I am not used to having someone love me like that. Toriel broke me pretty badly."

You started petting Asgore's fluffy ear. "Toriel can go kiss a skeleton. I won't break you," you said in between Asgore's purring. "I can tell you need someone to love. Wanna be my boyfriend?"

His dreamy eyes opened. "Wait, you seriously want to date me?!"

"Of course! You can be my King Fluffybuns."

"And you will not break my heart?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Oh, what am I saying?" Asgore leaned across the compartment between the seats and wrapped his arms around your chest, softly kissing you on the lips. Your breath caught in your throat. It felt like you had downed a 44-ounce caterpillar smoothie earlier and now all the butterflies were trying to fly away. You didn't know what to do at first, but then it came to you, and you wrapped your arms around Asgore, kissing him back. As you smooched his muzzle, you occasionally pet him behind the ears. He seemed to like it. "Do you like that? Are you my Fluffybuns~?" you said. Asgore giggled and purred. You put your lips back up to his, opening your mouth. You had a feeling he wasn't expecting it, but he went along with it, allowing your tongue to freely roam the inside of his mouth. It tasted like golden flowers. By now, Asgore's paws were shaking and you could feel his face getting hot. You ran a hand through his golden mane, getting used to the feel of his fur. He started unzipping your hoodie. You undid the first button on his shirt. He looked down. "We should be getting back to my house. Someone could see us kissing." Asgore leaned back over and started driving back to his house, which was closer to the overpass than you thought.


It must have taken five minutes or so for Asgore to get the two of you to his house, but with him it felt like almost nothing. As soon as he pulled into the driveway, he picked you up and walked inside. Being in his arms felt like heaven. You held onto his strong, furry arm, gazing up into his dreamy blue eyes. "You sure nobody's following us, Gorey?"

Asgore looked out the window. "I am sure, my darling. You do not need to worry about anything." You felt a rush of heat go through your face when he talked to you like that. He set you down on the couch carefully and lay next to you. "Oh, Asgore... I never want this day to end," you sighed. "It's just, it's been amazing. Why are you so nice to me?" you said.

"Because I love you." Asgore said.

"Aww. Guess I'm used to jerks who don't care about me. I never wanna leave you behind, Fluffybuns."

Asgore pulled you closer. You felt safe in his arms, surrounded by his warm white fur. "Me either. I will never let them hurt you again." He softly nuzzled the top of your head. You kissed him on the chin. It felt good, laying in his arms with the silvery moonlight shining in a patch on the floor. You didn't want to change anything about this moment. Everything was perfect.

Bravetale Book 1: A King's Love (Asgore X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now