Alphys the Lucky

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(still Asgore's POV)

But first, I must try to heal her. Her SOUL had not broken. I took the cup of tea, or what remained of it, and held her in my arms, pouring a bit of tea into her mouth. She swallowed it. I could feel her SOUL getting stronger. She had less than 1 HP, but she somehow was not dead. She coughed twice and buried her face in my fur.
I wanted to hug Y/n as tight as I could, but I was afraid of hurting her. "Thank Frisk! You are alive!"

She looked up at me with weakness and hate in her (e/c) eyes.

"Someone tried to kill you. Do you remember what happened?"

"T-Toriel," she croaked. "She stabbed me and then threw me into the corner and threw fireballs at me until I blacked out." I always suspected Toriel might try to hurt her. But now, it was too late. Y/n was dying, and next time I see that excuse for a monster, it will be her fatal finale. I picked up Y/n and carried her to Alphys' laboratory. "Alphys! Come quick!"

The nervous anime-loving lizard dashed around the corner. "Huh?" She saw Y/n laying on the metal table, barely alive. "W-What happened, Asgore?"

"I walked into the kitchen and saw her in the corner like this. She tells me Toriel did it."

"White sus," Alphys muttered. "I'm n-not very good with humans, but b-believe me, Asgore, I'll try my best to make sure she lives." Alphys climbed a stepladder and took a box full of bandages off the shelf. I held Y/n's small hand in my paw. Her eyes opened, then closed.


"Is she ready, Alphys?" I sat in a chair outside Alphy's lab.

"Y-Yeah! Come right in," she replied. I walked in. Y/n was asleep. There were bandages on most of her body, covering the burns and stab wounds that Toriel had inflicted. I leaned in closer to her. "By the way, have Undyne and Papyrus found Toriel yet?"

"Undyne..." she sighed. "Oh! S-She said they haven't found her yet, and they have the whole Royal Guard looking for her at the moment."

"They better," I said to myself. "Is Y/n going to be okay?"

"She's s-stable right now, and I think she'll be f-fine in a few weeks. The scars might last a lot longer."

Suddenly, the door to the lab was thrown open. Alphys, Y/n, and I all turned to look. Undyne was standing there. There was a deep bite wound in her shoulder, and she was covered in burns and slashes. Papyrus was collapsed on the floor behind her, half alive, scarf torn, bones stained black and red from a mixture of blood and ash. "We found Toriel, and she's not alone," Undyne said, slung Papyrus over her shoulder, and walked into the laboratory. A fearful look crossed Alphys' face. "U-U-UNDYNE! WHAT H-H-HAPPENED!?" Alphys said as she dashed up to Undyne.

Undyne set Papyrus on one of the cots in the lab. "You're very brave, Paps," she said to Papyrus. "A worthy member of the Royal Guard." She redirected her attention to Alphys. "Goat mama made a giant castle out in the New Snowdin Alps. She also used her fire magic to forge three hundred wolves out of pure fire. Papyrus and I were searching New Snowdin when we saw a giant ice castle thingy off in the distance with fire-wolves flying around it-"

"Wait. You did not say they could fly!" I interjected.

"I forgot to mention that most of them had wings, and the ones that didn't were soldiers to the winged ones and Toriel."

"So where is Toriel in this story?"

"We got closer out of curiosity and saw Toriel standing on the balcony, petting a firewolf, when she pointed straight at us and we were attacked by more than wolves could count. The firewolf she was petting attacked too. Papyrus took a blast of fire that would have killed me had it hit me. I'm proud of the little babybones. Glad I put him on the Royal Guard."

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