An Encounter

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You looked up to see a kind face gazing down at you. It appeared to be a goat monster. He had a golden mane, twilight blue eyes, and soft-looking white fur, and atop his shoulders was a purple velvet cloak with golden shoulder armor.

You coughed up a flower. "No," you said. "No, I'm not okay."

"What's wrong?" the goat monster said, offering his paw. "Do you need help?"

"Umm... Uhh... Kind of." You used his paw to pull yourself up. "You might think it's stupid though."

The goat monster smiled. "Do not worry. I have traveled the Underground and the Surface; whatever it is, I will understand." he said and sat down in the flowers next to where you were sitting. "By the way, my name is Asgore."

You sniffed. "Nice to meet you, Asgore. My name is (Y/n)." You sighed sadly. "My boyfriend of two years left me in front of a bunch of strangers AFTER I TOOK HIM TO STARBUCKS. His excuse was that he found a cuter and more popular girl that treated him better and he didn't want to cheat on her." Tears started falling from your eyes all over again. "He left because he didn't want to cheat on her. Not me. He only cared about her. I shoulda listened to the rumours."

Asgore's face twisted into a half-frown. "There, there. You poor thing. I have had my fair share of heartbreak." He offered you a corner of his cloak. "Here. You can dry your tears on this."

You wiped the tears off your face with his cloak. "Thank you..."

"You look like you need a hug." he said.

You sniffed. "Yeah. My family probably won't understand how this feels." You hugged Asgore. His fluffy white fur brushed against your skin. He hugged back.

There was a moment of silence, except for the wind in the flowers, before Asgore whispered, "I do. I understand how it feels, to have your heart broken."

You smiled. "Thank you," you mumbled and managed to pull yourself away from him.

"You should probably get back to your family now," Asgore said. "You know, tell them about what happened if you have not already."

You nodded. "I guess."

"Do you even know who he left you for?" he said.

"No... no, I don't." you said.

"Y/n, do you know that whoever he is, if he is cruel enough to humiliate you, break your heart, and make you cry like this, that he is much worse than you think?" Asgore looked kindly into your eyes.

You chewed on a strand of hair. "Really?"

Asgore nodded. "You deserve better than that." He stood up, taking you with him. "Truly."

You smiled. "Thank you, Asgore. I... uhh... I'll be getting home now."

"Good luck. I hope you find someone better than him." Asgore said and waved his fluffy goat paw goodbye.

I'm pretty sure I already have. I didn't know goats could be that cute, you thought as you were walking back home.


You opened the front door. Your dad was home now.

"Hi, Dad," you said. "Rocky broke up with me." And I met a handsome goat.

"That's a shame. Anyways, there's meatloaf for dinner."

You sighed. I knew it. They wouldn't understand, you said to yourself. Only he understands me. You walked into the other room and saw your mother putting the meatloaf in the oven. "Rocky broke up with me." you said to see if she had a different reaction.

Bravetale Book 1: A King's Love (Asgore X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now