It's not over yet.

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You walked into the restaurant holding Asgore's paw. Someone was playing a piano in the distance. You hoped he couldn't tell how nervous you were - your hand was shaking and your heart felt like it was thumping out of your chest. He might have been able to tell, because he put his other paw on your shoulder and smiled reassuringly when you looked at him. It must have been something in your eyes that he'd noticed. The feeling of his paw on your shoulder gave you butterflies in your stomach. "Do you have reservations?" the host asked. "We do," Asgore said to him.

"What's your name?" the host asked.

"This is Asgore Dreemurr." Asgore replied.

The host nodded and led you and Asgore to your table. "What a cute couple." he commented.

The table was at the edge of the balcony. The piano music was louder out here, and now if you looked to the right, you could see the person playing it. From the table, there was a breathtaking view of the city and the late evening stars, but not more breathtaking than Asgore's face. You sat down in one of the chairs. Asgore sat in front of you. From your point of view, all you could see was Asgore and the starscape. "Wow! Would ya look at the stars?" you commented. Asgore turned around. His ears twitched in surprise. "Wow. I did not get the chance to see them yet," he exclaimed. "They are almost as beautiful as you." Geez, King Fluffybuns sure is good at flirting.

"However pretty you think I am, you'll always be twice as enchanting." you said and kissed Asgore on the nose. He smiled, now somewhat resembling a blushing kitten.

Asgore turned to the waiter. "May we please have a minute?" he said. The waiter nodded and walked off. He looked back at you. "I have been here a few times, and they make great steak. Would you like to try it with me?"

"Well, why not?" you replied.

Asgore called the waiter back over. "We have decided on the steak for two." he said. The waiter wrote something on his notepad and walked away. Asgore put his paw on your hand. You smiled. "This is already the best date I've ever been on, and it's barely begun," you said. "Maybe it's that you're here."

Asgore affectionately nose-bumped your cheek. "Hey, speaking of dates, did you date anyone else in those four years?"

"Oh, I had three or four exes. Mind if I tell you about them?"

"I am always happy to hear what you have to say, sweetie."

You cleared your throat. "Alright. So first there was Tyler. He was nice at first. We met when we were both 19. He regularly bought me lunch at the cafeteria. After a few weeks, when I was sure I wasn't going to get my heart broken, we got... closer. I hung out with him in his dorm room one night, and he decided this meant he could be mean now. He put me before literally everything. Like, if I dropped my books in the hall, he would chat with one of his friends before he even thought about helping me, and just laugh at my struggling. I left him three days after that incident."

Asgore was speechless at first. "How could someone treat a girl like you like that?" he said after a few seconds. "Just when someone gets close to you, you suddenly become a jerk? Ugh. People like that make me sick."

You nodded. "Yeah, I hate his guts now."

"And rightfully so," Asgore added. "I have a story as well."

"Go on," you said.

"Her name was Sara, and she was twenty-seven. She seemed perfect at first. She was like you for the first five months - sharing my joy when I was happy, always having my back when I needed help, and comforting me when I was sad, even helping out at the flower shop on occasion. And no matter what, she was always happy to see me, and caring as can be. But then something happened. At a party, which Sara had agreed to help set up and clean up after, Undyne told Sara about the six children. Sara never treated me the same after she found out the truth. I planned to keep dating her after to try and change her mind, maybe even get back the old Sara, but once I walked in on her in bed with some random guy, I knew it was over. She did not notice when I walked in, so I packed my bags and ran away, leaving only a note on the counter saying 'It is over, dirty cheater. From, Asgore, your ex.'." Asgore's eyes were dark, as if he still had sparks of hate for her.

You shook your head. "Why would someone do that to you? If I had you all to myself, I wouldn't waste it all for whatever she cheated on you for."

"Yeah, he's pretty handsome," the waiter chimed in. You hadn't even noticed he was there. "I wouldn't even think about doing that if I was with him. You're a lucky girl, you know." He set the plate on the table.

You and Asgore both gave him awkward stares. "Umm, can you not see that I am on a date here?" Asgore said.

You added, "Yeah, would you mind going and doing your gay thing somewhere else? He has a girlfriend, and it's me."

The waiter apologized and left. Asgore turned back to you. "Well, that was awkward."

You cut a piece of steak and ate it. "The steak's good, but the waiters are weird. 8/10 restaurant." Asgore laughed. Out of nowhere, Asgore's phone rang. He took the call. "Asgore Dreemurr. Who is this?"

He had it on speaker, so you could hear the other person on the call. It was Toriel. "ASGORE! WHERE ARE YOU?! ASRIEL AND CHARA MISS YOU!"

"Stop yelling at me. I told them that I was going on a date, and I already said goodnight-"


"Toriel, please-"


"Toriel. You are on speaker phone and my date can hear you."

Toriel went silent. Asgore handed you the phone. "Here, you can have a go at her."

You took a breath. "You know what, Toriel?! I'm frickin' sick of you tearing up my Fluffybuns' emotions. You don't deserve love! You're an abandoning bitch! Your mother should have aborted you! How does that feel?! Huh?!" The piano man stopped playing the romantic ballad and started playing a rather angry song. Everyone was staring at you cussing out Toriel. You continued talking trash. "How about you go to the garbage dump and have a little family reunion? Cause you're trash. Poor Asgore over here's been broken by your abuse over the course of 700 years! Just leave the poor guy alone. Screw you, pie gut. You stink like a pile of snail shit." You handed the phone back to Asgore. Everyone paused, then started clapping. You took a bow. "Thank you, thank you! I love talking trash to people who are jerks to my friends." Everyone went back to eating. The piano man continued with the romantic ballad. You kissed Asgore on the muzzle. "I'll always cuss out Toriel when necessary," you said through a mouthful of his fluff. It was very warm fluff. "You sure are blushing a lot, Gorey."

He giggled shyly. "W-Well, I am with you, so t-that is not a surprise."

"Oh, you big lovable furball!" The steak was gone now. You placed your hand on his paw as your eyes met. "So are we gonna go back to the hotel, or are we gonna stare at each other like a couple of stoned blushing owls?"

"You mean, uh, romantically... gaze... into each other's... nevermind. We are going to go to the hotel. Right after I pay the check." Asgore paid the check and the two of you left for your hotel room.

Bravetale Book 1: A King's Love (Asgore X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now