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Weeks upon weeks.

Every week that passed, you grew lonelier and lonelier. You just wanted Asgore back. When you went back to school after spring break ended, you found that Oakdale was actually a place of opportunity. You spent more time on your studies, barely ever thinking about Asgore except at night.

Weeks eventually turned into months. You graduated high school, and decided not to go back to your hometown. F/n moved to Oakdale as well, and you became best friends. You went to college, majoring in business. You valued your future now more than anything (city's name) ever had to offer. You planned to become a freelance photographer. And you did.

Months turned into years. You had turned twenty-one a few months ago. You were living the dream in suburban Oakdale. You owned a house big enough for you and your Welsh Corgi puppy, Butterscotch, and an Etsy shop where you sold framed photos that you had taken. Life was good.

One day, you decided to go to San Francisco to see the Golden Gate Bridge. You had always been a city girl at heart, so you thought it would be interesting to see one of the famous cities of California. You took Butterscotch with you on the trip; the five-month-old puppy hadn't seen much of the world yet, but knowing you, he would see a lot more in the next few years.

In San Francisco, you stayed at a hotel by the ocean. It was a bit hard to find a hotel that accepted pets, but you eventually found one that would let you take Butterscotch once they heard that he was potty-trained.

On your first day in San Francisco, it was already almost sunset, so you decided you'd take Butterscotch on a walk in one of the various parks near your hotel. You'd heard of a place called McLaren Park that had a lot of trails and hills everywhere, so obviously you went there to walk your puppy.

The cloudy afternoon sky was starting to turn a beautiful shade of pink at the west horizon. You were climbing one of the rather steep trails. Strangely, Corgis were better at climbing than you thought, or at least Butterscotch was.

You stood atop one of the grassy hills, overlooking the city. "It's a beautiful sight, isn't it, Butterscotch?" you asked your dog, even though you knew he probably didn't understand you. You sat on the edge of the rock you were standing on and took your camera out of your bag, aiming it at the sunset. Click. You knew that photo would sell well on Etsy. "Echo...!" you called into the valley. The echo resonated off the sides of the hills like a hundred voices calling back to you. Suddenly you heard one that wasn't your own. "Echo...! Echo...! You are not the only one here!" someone called.

"Oh, cool! Where are you?" you replied, cupping your hands around your mouth so as to make the sound travel further. Butterscotch barked at this.

"I am on the ledge below you! Your dog sounds cute!" they called. When you heard their voice more clearly, something awakened deep in you, a younger part of you, a distant memory, telling you that you'd known this person a very long time ago... or shall we say, monster?

"Hey, I think I know you from somewhere!"

"You probably do not! I am only a lonely monster!"




Butterscotch barked. You scooped up the puppy and put the camera in your backpack, running down to the rocks below you. Sure enough, Asgore was standing there, tears of joy in his twilight eyes. He was just as you remembered him: strong, fluffy, and sweet. He held out his fluffy paws and you practically leaped into them.

You wrapped your arms around his neck in the special kind of hug where you never want to let go of the other person. "I knew we would meet again," Asgore said quietly. After all this time, you were finally in his arms again.

Butterscotch barked again, and Asgore set you down to pet him. "Howdy, cutie!" he said and kneeled as the tiny puppy nibbled his paw. Asgore picked up the Corgi in one paw and petted his tiny head with one finger as if he was petting a hamster.

"So... Asgore... I guess we have a lot of catching up to do, huh?" you said.

"We do, but only if you want to talk to me, of course."

"Don't be silly, Asgore. I've had you in the back of my mind for almost five years. Why wouldn't I want to talk to you? We should hang out now that nobody's gonna stop us. I know some good restaurants around here."

Asgore looked surprised. "Of course! This is all going quite fast, but then again, I have been waiting for this for five years."

"Cool! Can I have my dog back now?"

"Oh! I am sorry. He is just so cute," Asgore said and handed you Butterscotch. "Like you."

You found yourself blushing at this, even though you'd been away from him for so long. Maybe your feelings for Asgore had never gone away. "T-Thanks... Am I allowed to call you Fluffybuns yet?"

Asgore nodded. "You always were."


You walked into the hotel room. Your date with Asgore was in twenty minutes, so you had to hurry. What should I wear? you asked yourself. You opened your suitcase. You hadn't planned to go on a date with Asgore, let alone ever see him again. The only thing you'd packed that you could even maybe wear on a date was a yellow-and-red summer dress. Nope. You decided to go out and buy a dress. You went outside, got in the car, and drove to one of the malls in the area.

You walked inside a clothing store in the mall. There were a lot of clothes, but not much you could wear on a date. You picked up a red knee-length dress with a matching gold necklace and a ruby pendant. Maybe.

You looked at some of the other dresses and decided against all of them but one. It was midnight blue with rhinestones on the wrists and chest. It reminded you of the overpass incident. Oh, to be eighteen and in forbidden love. You decided on this one since it reminded you of old times with Asgore.

After paying for the dress and returning to the hotel, you put it on. It fit perfectly, but now you only had five minutes left. You put on a touch of eyeshadow and left Butterscotch with the hotel's pet-sitting service, then got in the car and drove to the restaurant.

Once you were there, you could see Asgore standing outside. Unfortunately, you couldn't find a spot close to the restaurant, so you had to park a block away and walk there. You felt nervous and happy at the same time, happy from being finally reunited with your lost lover after four years, and nervous from the fear that you might screw up somehow.

Bravetale Book 1: A King's Love (Asgore X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now