The Final Battle

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You looked up. Asgore pulled a blanket over the two of you before Undyne could see something she wasn't supposed to. "She's leaving?!" you said. "Why?"

Undyne backed out. "Oop. Didn't mean to catch you guys in the middle of anything. We don't know why, but Toriel'll be gone by ten p.m. We have no time to prepare; we have to go to battle now."

"B-But! I'm not ready to fight her! My wound isn't healed!"

"If you're strong enough to dominate Asgore, you're strong enough to fight Toriel." Undyne closed the door. You heard her yell, "DREEMURRS! TORIEL'S LEAVING THE CASTLE, AND IF WE DON'T FIGHT HER NOW, WE MAY NEVER SEE HER AGAIN! ROLL OUT!"

Asgore said, "I am sorry, my love. It looks like we have no time to cuddle. I will help you with your armor."


You sat in the van between Asgore and Sans. Your reinforced leather armor was less comfortable in a car than on the battlefield, but the battle was soon, so you wouldn't have to wait much longer. You just wanted to battle and get this all over with.

You held Asgore's paw tightly...

He squeezed back.

"ship," Sans said.

"Shut up," you muttered.

Undyne stopped the car and opened the door. You saw an ice castle looming in front of you. Firewolves flew around it like vultures over a cadaver. This is it, you said to yourself. Time to kick some goat butt.

Everyone else filed out of the van and faced the battlefield. There was a snowy clearing with a path carved into it. Toriel stood at the end of it with a phoenix on her shoulder.

Asgore snarled at her and raised his trident. Toriel winked. "Hello, Gorey," she said. "It is goat to see you." Asgore didn't smile and lunged at her. Chara took her knife and threw it at Toriel. Big mistake. Toriel shot a blast of fire at it, obliterating the worn dagger.

Chara summoned six more, one of each soul color, and threw them all at Toriel while Sans distracted her with a storm of bones. She sent a firewolf to destroy each bone, but then he fired a Gaster Blaster at her. It hit Toriel and she stumbled backwards, allowing Asgore to send a rain of fireballs at her. "This is how Y/n felt when you attacked her!"

You ran at Toriel and slashed at her angrily. A cut had already opened in her chest and you stabbed her. She winced and fell over, then doubled in size and black stripes appeared on the corners of her muzzle. All her wounds healed and she started levitating (think the Asriel fight). Sans summoned a circle of Gaster Blasters around her and fired them all at once. It did next to nothing.

You leaped into the sky and did a triple overhead slash on Toriel. She deflected them all and threw a fireball at you. You dodged and attacked again, this time with a stab. She took damage from this, but you had to go back to the ground again due to the barrage of knives and spears from Chara and Undyne.

You stood there for a moment, regaining stamina and assessing the damage to your armor. It wasn't compromised in any way, so you looked over at Asgore. He was holding off a crowd of firewolves from getting to Undyne, Chara, and Mettaton, who were doing most of the fighting. Papyrus was slumped against a rock. You ran up to him. "Hey, Paps? You good?"


"Can you walk?"


"OK, well you should probably help Asgore hold off the firewolves. If one gets to Sans, it's all over for him."

Papyrus limp-ran to the firewolf crowd and Gaster Blastered one that was about to kill Undyne. Undyne turned around. "Second time this month you've saved my scales, Paps. Good job."

Asgore, Papyrus: Firewolf Defense
Sans & Papyrus: Toriel Defense
Alphys: Medic
Undyne, Chara, Mettaton, You: Toriel Offense
Frisk, Asriel: Support)

You had enough stamina to attack Toriel again. You leaped into the air, over Sans' forcefield of magic, Toriel's fire-beam which she was using to try to tire out the Skelebros, and stabbed her in the chest. Blood leaked from her wound all over you, and everyone attacked Toriel at once. She screeched and everyone was lifted into the sky. The firewolves disappeared, but nobody else could attack.

It was you against Toriel, one-on-one. She made two rows of fireballs on each side of you, then launched all of them at you at once. You dodged them with ease and attacked her. She fell over and you tried to stab her through the heart, but she somehow stood up again and fireballs fell from the sky. You dodged some, but were hit by others. The fire scorched your armor and some of it burnt off, leaving your left arm open to attacks. Toriel shot a beam of fire at you, similar to the one she tried to use to break Sans and Papyrus' energy shield, and you didn't manage to dodge.

You fell to your knees, armor almost fully deteriorated. But Toriel was weaker. The fiery blaze in her eyes had diminished to a pained glare. But she still tried to kill you with fire. "Toriel! S-Stop it!" She held a fireball in her hand, but didn't throw it.

"Y/n! Kill her!" Undyne cried from her spot in the sky.

"You're just jealous! All this violence, all this bloodshed, it all sprung from your selfish desire to have Asgore to yourself! Some people say someone has their head in their heart, and you do too. You loved Asgore, but you couldn't have him, so you hurt the one taking him from you."

"My child..." Toriel closed her paw and the fireball was extinguished.

"Don't 'my child' me. Do you know why I haven't killed you yet?"


"Sure, I could take the easy way out, and turn you to dust with my machete. I could split your SOUL in two and leave this place. But no. I'm not a coward. I believe that even the worst person, human or monster, can change. That everyone deserves a second chance. And why do I believe this? Because I'm filled with Bravery. I'm sparing you, Toriel. I'm giving you a second chance to be the Toriel that Frisk, Chara, and Asriel remembered you as - loving, warm, thoughtful, motherly, wise. Will you take my hand and free yourself from the chains of hate and jealousy?"

Toriel started crying. She put her paw in your hand. You turned around to face the others. Toriel snapped her fingers and they all were returned to the battlefield. "Please... Do not kill me... I promise I will not hurt Y/n or any of you..."

Sans used his magic to put Toriel in the van. She didn't resist; she had been broken down to nothing. You ran up to Asgore and threw your arms around him. His body spasmed with sobs as his tears fell on your shoulder. "I was so worried! I thought Toriel was going to kill you!"

"Me too, Gorey," you said and ruffled his mane. "Let's get out of here."

You fell asleep on the drive home.

Over the next few months, Toriel regained the trust of the Dreemurrs and everyone else, except for Asgore, who never trusted Toriel alone with you again. Sans isolated Toriel from the rest of the family for a month to try and shake her feelings for Asgore. "out of sight, out of mind," he'd said. When she returned, she was inseparable from Frisk, Chara, and Asriel for days. It was obvious, she was back to normal and Toriel as ever. In apology, she was very kind to you. But this didn't repair Asgore's broken trust for her. "Forgive, but never forget" seemed to be his motto.

Forgive. Never forget.

Never forget.

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