A Respite from Loss

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(Y/n's POV)

You were sleeping peacefully when Asgore bolted up in bed. "Toriel! Stop!" he cried. Tears glimmered at the corners of his fearful eyes. He looked around in a panic, then calmed down a bit when he saw where he was.

"What happened, Gorey?"

"I... I had the most horrible dream..."

"I mean, what happened in the dream?"

"T-Toriel... She... I do not want to scare you..."

"It's okay. You can tell me," you said and gazed trustingly into his twilight orbs.

Asgore sniffled and wiped the tears away from his eyes with the back of his paw. "Toriel turned into the God of Hyperdeath somehow and killed you."

You were speechless for a second. "I... That's too crazy to ever happen, Fluffybuns. It was just a dream."

Asgore sniffed a few times before resting his great big head on your chest. "Are you sure?"

"Very." You gently stroked his head and ran your fingers through his mane. "Just a dream... just a dream..."

Asgore purred and closed his eyes. In a matter of minutes, the loving goat king was asleep on top of you. You looked out at the stars, watching them twinkle in the sky, continuing to pet him as you did so.

Hours went by without you noticing, and before you could even acknowledge that time had gone by, the orangy-pink light of dawn was shining through the window and illuminating Asgore's bedroom.

"Gorey," you said, gently patting Asgore on the head. "wake up."

The handsome goat king opened his eyes. "Huh?" he mumbled sleepily.

"It's dawn. Don't you have a flower shop to run?"

"Oh," he said and stretched. His muscles rippled beneath his silky pelt. "Just a few more minutes..."

You walked downstairs, leaving Asgore to get up. You opened the kitchen cupboard and picked up a box of Temmie Flakes. Thankfully, Temmie had upgraded her recipe, and nobody had to eat paper for breakfast anymore. Papyrus, Toriel, and Undyne were already at the table.

"Morning, guys," you said and poured the Temmie Flakes into a bowl. You assumed that since everyone treated you like family, save for Toriel, that you were welcome to use their stuff. 

"GOOD MORNING, HUMAN!" Papyrus said with his usual enthusiasm.

"Good morning, my child," Toriel said. Her red eyes were cold as she stared you down.

"Whatcha lookin' at, Tori?" you asked her. A slight smirk crossed her face.

"Nothing at all."


"Would you like any tea, Y/n?" Asgore stood in the doorway, awaiting your response.

"Eh, sure. I only got five hours of sleep last night." Asgore nodded and walked into the kitchen. You sat on the couch, petting the Annoying Dog and watching Bob's Burgers. Everything was going well. This was a good life. You could hear Asgore brewing tea in the background. Birds chirped outside. Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and Monster Kid were all playing a game of catch outside. You planned on joining them once you were done with breakfast.

But that's not how it works here. :)

A sharp knife plunged into your back like a fireball melting butter. You let out a muffled scream as a furry paw grabbed you by the neck. You knew what Asgore's paws felt like around your neck, so it wasn't him. The pawed entity threw you into the corner and you were met with a rain of fireballs. You felt the life draining from you as blood poured out of your back wound. The last thing you saw was Toriel standing there with a knife in one hand and a fireball in the other.

(Asgore's POV)

I poured the piping hot golden flower tea into a mug with an orange tabby kitten on it. The boldness of a tabby cat reminded me of my dear Y/n. I smiled as I thought of her and placed the mug on a tray with a bagel. I walked through the doorway. "Y/n, my love! Breakfast is ready!" I entered the living room to see... What the... 

She was lying in the corner. There was blood all over the couch and around her. The wall she was slumped limply against was burnt. I dropped the tray. Tea spilled all over the floor as I let out an anguished wail. "Y/N! NO!" I ran up to her broken body and picked her up. Tears welled in my eyes. I fell to my knees. "Who. Who did this?!" I felt a lump forming in my throat.

I must do what she would have done for me.

I must avenge my love.

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