Soulmates (Lemon)

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Asgore carried you up the stairs and into his bedroom. He set you down on the bed and climbed onto it, then started nipping you and kissing over each bite. You humped his member in such a way that implied you wanted him to fuck you hard as the two of you continued to make out. One paw was around the small of your back, holding you close, and the other roamed around your body, lightly caressing you all over. You moaned and pulled his paw closer to your entrance. Asgore took off your pants and threw them at the back wall. "We will not be needing those for a while," Asgore said.

In a matter of minutes, neither of you were wearing anything. Asgore, who was already on top of you, put his muzzle near your entrance and breathed softly on it. He kissed the inside of your thigh and swirled his tongue around your clit. "Looks delicious," he said. You were out of breath. "C-Come on, Gorey, just fuck me! Don't bother with being gentle..."

Asgore pulled himself up to your level and put the tip of his member inside you, then he pinned you down, his paws on either side of you, preventing you from moving your arms. His paws gripped your sides, firm but loving, dominant but caring, as he nuzzled your sensitive neck. "Want more?"

You whined softly. "Y-Yes... Please..." Your impatient whimpers turned into passionate moans as he began thrusting into you. Time seemed to slow down as the king took control of you. "A-Asgore... what... what are you going to do with me?" you said in between gasps of pleasure.

Asgore gazed into your eyes with a fire you hadn't seen in him before. "Whatever I want to, my love." You moaned knowing that you were his, all his, and grabbed him by the horns weakly. He gasped and moaned. "Y/n... Agh!"

"You like that, you big furball?" you said.

"Y-Yes... Ohh, that's it, grab me by the horns!" You were extremely turned on from knowing how much he was enjoying you. He continued to thrust into your entrance, his starry eyes fixed on yours with determination and love. You started to slowly move your hips side to side, and Asgore let out a groan that would have made you weak in the knees had you been standing up. "Fuck, you feel amazing!" You were proud of yourself for making him swear; Asgore never cussed and sometimes even got offended when someone said something as tame as 'crap'.

You decided you wanted to please Asgore more, so, still holding him by the horns, you rolled over so that you were on top of him. He sounded confused. "Toriel never tried anything like this," he said. "What are you doing- Aah~!" You began to ride him slowly. You put your hands around his fluffy neck and squeezed very lightly at the sides. He tried to lift a paw, but was too woozy. "Y/n... Why am I dizzy... And why does this feel so good..."

You smirked. "Ah, so you like when I choke you and fuck you at the same time, huh~?"

Asgore was the one out of breath now. "Y-Yes... Don't stop."

"Hmm, I'll make a note of that. The big fluffy pushover likes being dominated." You kissed him on the forehead softly and rode him a bit faster. Asgore yelped, then let you take control of him. His paws dug into your sides, or at least they tried to, but he was so weak from pleasure. "Tell me the truth, Gorey. When you tried to overpower me earlier, were you trying to impress me or did you already know that you liked being submissive?"

"I-I did not know. I was t-trying to impress you..." Asgore's twilight blue eyes were half closed and his legs were twitching. You could tell he was getting close. "Wrong answer, Fluffybuns," you said and rode him harder. He gasped and moaned weakly. "Fine. I-I knew, but I t-thought you would j-judge me... Aah..."

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