Asgore's Dream

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The battlefield was rank with the scents of blood, sweat, and fear. Toriel hovered out of reach of everyone but Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and I. Asriel remained unconscious. Whatever had a hold on Toriel had caused her to attack her own son. My vision blurred. Bravery and Determination flowed through my veins. I looked down at my paws, covered in my own blood. Some of it must be Toriel's or Undyne's as well.

I let out a fierce growl and lunged at Toriel.

"Last chance, Tori," I spat as I plunged my trident into her chest. She screeched like there was a demon inside her. I heard Papyrus and Undyne taking on one of Toriel's fire-wolves. "Leave Y/n alone!"

"Asgore, you know I am here for her and not you. You will be just fine if you put me down," Toriel squeaked. I ripped out my trident and a chunk of Toriel's flesh and fur came with it. A voice inside me told me to stop, but protectiveness of Y/n and my family muffled it. Pushover, I told myself. Everyone will die if you give in to your soft-hearted self! "I will do anything to protect her, even kill you!"

Suddenly Toriel formed a fireball in her bloodied paw. I formed one in mine. "Put that down," I wheezed. Toriel ignored me and raised it up over her head. Bad. I did not have much HP left. But at the last second, she turned and threw it behind me.

It was headed right for Y/n.

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